lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Some Observations on the Major Heretics who Created Protestantism, 2

Some Observations on the Major Heretics 

who Created Protestantism


By Horacio Bonfiglioli

Taken from:

Translated from the Spanish by Roberto Hope

[Translator´s note: book page numbers quoted refer to those in the Spanish editions cited]

Calvin, the most fanatical of Israel's false prophets, 

He was another one of the false prophets of Israel, the most fanatical of the Hebraists... his system was more Roman than Christian and more Jewish than the two put together. When Prophetism no longer proceeded after the incarnation of the Messiah, he fabricated a cohabitation between Jesus and Moses, giving Moses priority over Jesus, from which a dreadful religious doctrine emerged, which is still the soul of the current North American protestant sects, (in the Cadenas del Obligado blog you will be able to read about the blasphemies of Mormon James Talmage, in “El Mormonismo” which will be published shortly). Despite their having put aside certain 'stinging' Calvinist doctrines, the Protestant culture “is in its most intimate ideals, impregnated with the spirit of John Calvin”. This is how Belloc puts it ('How the Reformation Happened')... because Calvin's book, “Christian Institution” changed the future of the Protestant Reformation in its entirety... “Nowadays we can find this man's influence in unsuspected regions of thought,”. The people wanted to reform the abuses and immoralities of certain clerics, maintaining themselves within the Catholic faith, but the reformists took advantage of this to ally themselves with ambitious princes and capitalists, razing the true religion of Christ with blood and fire.

That is how a new theology arose; a new church government; a new morality; a new conception of God, “new and strange”, similar to the Manichaean, but where God is the only principle both of good and of evil, and the condemnation and sufferings in this life are the work of Him. Still worse, Nicolás (Auguste Nicolás, “Protestantismo y Comunismo” ed NOS) says that, to Calvin, “God not only sees perdition, but He premeditates it, he wants it, he pre-disposes it (250) ...and condemns us without there being a fault in our part..." Calvin did not deny the Incarnation but he forced it to wear the ancient compulsive pagan horror: fatality; and he distorted it thus. ”Christ's merits are bt an attribution and nothing more. God is Chance, and  Chance is an immutable whole. Man is condemned or saved but this does not depend on him”.

He founded his doctrine on the negation of personal liberty ― as he would say that the despotic Judeo-Calvinist Jehova would elect his saints and his damned disregarding the moral life of any of them ― and also on the negation of public liberties, under the political and social tyranny which he imposed in the name of Jehova himself. The Calvinist creed, ardently Hebraic, sought to establish a totalitarian theocracy (a new Sion), saturating public and private life with the directives of a Judaic religion, similar to the one of the Old Testament, transforming the NewTestament into the Old Testament and Christianity into Judaism.. he sees Christianity as the crowning of Judaism”... and then he affirms that “it is not Christ the object of Judaic law but the law the object of Christ”; even to the point of adulterating the doctrine of the Holy Trinity: “It is not the Holy Spirit who judges Scripture, on the contrary, Scripture is the judge... of the Holy Spirit. If this is so, the Law of the Father is the object not only of the Son but also of the Spirit: the One is the object of the Three”. Definitely, “Calvin gives the impression of not having ever understood this: Christ the Redeemer seems not to have ever come for him. Unconsciously and thinking he is serving Christ he proceeds as though He had not existed; thinking he was 'glorifying the Lord' he wanted to invert the order of things established by God over time, distort it in a monstrous deviation, thus carrying out an impossible enterprise, a crime no longer moral but metaphysical.” (Dimitri Merejkovsi in 'Calvino', ed Castelar). “Calvin suppressed that pledge of divine love (the Eucharist); suppressed Jesus Christ in the Sacrament, in the same way as Luther had suppressed Him in the teaching; and with this, he broke the communion of the hearts as Luther had broken that of the spirits.” (A. Nicolás).

Merejkovsi described dismal aspects in the building of the Genevan theocracy: ”...a census of the confession of the Calvinist faith was taken among all the population in Geneva... those who refused to go along in making an oath of professing the new creed were banished from the city... Police invaded homes and dragged the people to make their oath .., the cornerstone of the theocracy is the Calvinist creed sustained by discipline... and this by ex-communication, and then by torture... the city seethes with spies called 'guardians'...  the walls of houses are for them transparent as glass. Not only acts are monitored, but also thoughts and sentiments... Geneva was then the 'city of sorrows', Dante's Inferno ... It was thus converted into a secular world of a gigantic monastery, where the toughest discipline ruled, maintained by means of the Law, torture and fire. It was called the 'War on Happiness'. Some years later, the protestants would organize a new unhealthy Puritan Theocracy in New England, similar to that in Geneva.

“His defendants would have considered the tyranny of which posterity accused him praiseworthy,. In the struggle between liberty and authority, Calvinism sacrificed liberty... To the Calvinist at heart, the dictatorship of the ecclesiastical ministry appeared as inevitable as the Committee of Public Safety appeared to the men of 1793, or the dictatorship of the proletariat appeared to the enthusiastic Bolsheviks... The Calvinist social theory began as an authoritarian theocracy but ended up as an almost utilitarian individualism... or as a rigorous Christian Socialism, one standing out over the other in accordance with national circumstances. (Tawny op cit. Page 239, 120, etc.) Some of his followers would ask in fear whether Calvin was a saint or a demon...

Calvin, misinterpreting the Old Testament, preached that men and the entire world belonged exclusively and entirely to God... through him, as he considered himself to be administrator of the divine goods. It is not surprising, then, that Calvin and his 'puritan saints' would lay claim to imposing their ideology on the rest of Europe, in accordance with a divine mandate, they believed they had such a right on account of their condition as the pre-destined 'hand of God'. This is the idea that engendered the Anglo-Saxon imperialism. Belloc in 'Charles I' wrote. "It needs to be remembered that Calvinism was cosmopolitan, the same way as is Catholicism [but opposed in their methods: Catholicism by means of apostolate; Protestantism by means of gimmicks and violence]: a Calvinist sufficiently extremist for the purpose was ready to call foreign Scottish arms in aid against his own country. The Calvinist spirit wanted [Ënglish] foreign policy to lean towards supporting his Calvinist brethren abroad”.

With the same Genevan brutality acted the Calvinists in the English Civil War. In his same book, Belloc wrote that, after the battle of Naseby, “the Puritan soldiers finished their battle with a slaughter of women”. Then, in Chester, the end of Charles I war prowess, a small group of prisoners “surrendered [before the Puritans] on the express condition of saving their lives, but then, at the special request of the Calvinist clergy, its members were knifed. Not only were men killed but also the throats of women and children who happened to be there were slit in cold blood. This kind of brutality in the civilized English protestants was not in isolated acts, but commonplace, as Calvinists always claimed that they did that at Jehova's mandate..(I will publish Dave Armstrong's “The Protestant Inquisition, Reform, Intolerance, and Persecution”)

You will also be able to read my articles “Theological Hatred and Protestant Inquisition” and “Protestantism is an enemy of our Homeland:” These Calvinist ministers considered themselves pre-destined, and acted in a manner similar to that of the “Pilgrim Fathers”, idealized by official history, who invaded the United States, murdering the native populations, with not the least intention of evangelizing them.

Along with the creation of this totalitarian theological state, the making of the Old Testament the birth and consolidation of Capitalism, that is usury arises as a political function. In its origin, we find the barbarian theory of Judeo-Protestant pre-destination. Frederick Wilhelmsen wrote: “Although my acts are not worth one jot for my salvation, they are nevertheless a signal or a symbol of that salvation. Said differently, a man saved by God can become aware of his salvation, can separate himself from the mass of the damned, if God has blessed him with the goods of this life. Material prosperity is proof that God has elected me.” (“El problema de Occidente y los cristianos” ed del Requeté page 45). Calvinist Capitalism has then an irresistible attraction for the faithful since the more riches they own the more delightful is this earthly life and most assured is the salvation of their souls. It is the apogee of human life exalted without limits with the power of gold, without remorse whatsoever or without qualms for disobeying Christ's mandate, who had preached exactly the opposite, but rather with the satisfying certainty of the entry into Paradise, thanks to a saintly life behind the counter. These ideas completely upset the protestant social ethics and common sense. Then, it was logical that the imperious need to become rich would legalize usury, that kind of alchemy which produces gold from gold. Capitalism is then the accumulation of wealth and usury in order to acquire political power. We live in the Age of Usury. Imperialism has thus its justificative theology.

Wilhelmsen continues: “It is frequently said that Calvinism was the cause of Capitalism. This is not exactly true, Capitalism had begun to develop in England and the Netherlands before the advent of Calvinism, due to the inception of that economic transformation which later became the Industrial Revolution, and due to the decline of the guilds and of their ancient liberties because of the centralization of the states and the presence of a new class, the bourgeoisie. But nascent Capitalism received its spirit from Calvinism, which was the spur that drove men to become rich at all cost” It is logical, then, to deduce that the Judeo-Calvinists who have managed to accumulate the greatest riches in the world consider themselves to be pre-destined and inheritors of the materialistic interpretation of the Old Testament, to dominate the world. Calvinism, by means of its collateral sects, would emerge with such a strength in the United States that it would rule the religious life and the very spirit of that nation,

(ti be continued)
Go to Part 1
Go to Part 3

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