lunes, 25 de abril de 2022

Spanish Civil War

The True Hidden History of the Spanish Civil War

By Don Curzio Nitoglia


Taken from:

Translated from the Spanish by Roberto Hope

"Franco is right because he loves his country. He defends Europe against the communist peril. But I prefer the cause of the adversaries and the victory of his enemies. Because Franco can be a threat for the British interests; the rest are not.”

Winston Churchill, (interview with La Nación, Buenos Aires, 14 aug 1938)

The Public History

The history of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) began many years before 1931, which is where the history textbooks have it started. The antecedents of the Spanish Civil War go far back to the Bourbon dynasty, who ruled Spain in the seven hundreds, giving free course to French illuminism and encyclopedism. This is how Napoleon, after having forced Bourbon King Charles IV to abdicate in 1808, put his brother Joseph Bonaparte in his place. "For the first time in Spanish history, two ideologies diametrically opposed confronted each other in a more or less continuous way" starting a bloody internal struggle which was to culminate in 1936-39 with the Spanish Civil War between republicans and reds on the one side, and Carlists and Falangists on the other.

Napoleon favored the frenchification of Spain, especially with the influx of the iluminist way of thinking against the Catholic and anti-liberal Iberian way..Spain, united by its Catholic culture, found itself divided into two factions: the first one, formed by centuries of the scholastic philosophy and theology of the great Dominican and Jesuit thinkers; the second one, informed by the encyclopedic illuminism of the French Revolution of 1789, and by the marxist communism of the Soviet Revolution of October, 1917.

The latter position was 'canonized' in the Cádiz Constitution of 1812, imitating the French constitution of 1791 and renewed in the Leninist communist one of October 1917. The sane Spanish wing reacted against the French and Soviet Bolshevik revolutionary spirit arriving at the War of Independence (1808.1814), which ended when King Fernando VII re-conquers the throne (1814-1833). But the French illuminist revolutionary culture continued to infiltrate the spirit of many Spaniards who kept on advancing the subversion until it culminated with the Civil War of 1936.

The monarchy also divided itself into two wings. Indeed, having Fernando VII had no male progeny, he abolished the Salic law in 1833 and designated queen his daughter Isabel II, of only three years of age, naming her mother, María Cristina, as regent, starting off the wing that favored her, of a liberal tendency, while his brother, Don Carlos, the legitimate successor to the throne, gave birth to the 'Carlist' party, who were conservatives and attached to the Roman Church

Then the 'First Carlist War' broke out (1833-1839). Without yet the two tendencies in the Spanish people distinctly emerging, they manifested themselves in 1931 and then again  in the 1936-39 Civil War, in which two worldviews confronted each other, the first one clearly liberal/subversive, decidedly anarchist, marxist and anti.Christian, contrasting with the second one, characterized by a strongly counter-revolutionary, anti-subversive and Roman Catholic spirit.

On July 17, 1851, nearly a hundred religious were assassinated. The Cristinians triumphed and the Carlsts had to accept defeat on August 31, 1839, in the Convención de Vergara. The Christian persecution continued getting worse until 1843, giving rise to the 'Second Carlist War" from 1847 to 1849.

Finally, the Spanish Cristine  government signed a Concordat with Pius IX, very moderate and of little value to the Church, which Generalissimo Franco (+1975) was to straighten up later in a sense more faithful to the Catholic spirit. But calm lasted only until 1854, when the anti-Christian persecution was renewed. Pius IX protested uselessly in the Consistory of July 26, 1855. Between 1855-56 and 1868-70, persecution became still more cruel. The Regent Queen Isabel II resigned in 1858, always in favor of a monarchic government with a Bourbonic/Cristine and anti-Carlist tendency that lasted until 1873, upon the establishment of the 'First Republic', which was dissolved by a coup d'etat on January 3, 1874, restoring the Bourbon monarchy and seating Isabel II's son, Alfonso XII, on the throne (1875-1885).

This period, going from 1874 to the 'Second Republic' of 1931, commonly called the 'Spanish Restoration', assumed the Spanish ideology of moderate liberalism, inspired on the British and not on the radical French liberalism. At that time, two parties were formed in Spain, that of the conservatives, called 'Frente Nacional', and the other of the progressivists, under the name of 'Frente Popular'.

After the death of Alfonso XII, the crown passed over to AlfonsoXIII, but because of his young age, the government was exercised by the Mother Queen, María Cristina, between 1885 and 1902, when Alfonso XIII actually began to rule, and lasted until 1931. María Cristina's regency period was catastrophic to Spain, internally as well as externally.

For such reason, a double reaction emerged, 1st) the Catholic and traditionalist counter revolutionary movement that proposed itself to regenerate the intellectual, moral, spiritual and socio-political life of Spain to make up for María Cristina's disaster; 2nd) the liberal/secularist and anarcho/communist movement of the left, which gave rise to the dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) and afterwards the 'Second Republic', which in turn started the 'cruel Revolution' of 1931 and the Civil war of 1936-1939.

In 1909, a revolutionary uprising took place, which caused nearly 150 deaths and 400 wounded, 80 churches put on fire and many cemeteries profaned by the reds, instigated by masonry, scoffing at the bodies buried there.

Together with these savage anti-religious aggressions a juridical systematization was enacted in 1910, with the 'Ley del Candado' of Prime Minister José Canalejas, a radical liberal and fervent anti-clericalism in the spirit of Freemasonry, establishing the total separation of Church and State. In 1917, socialists organized revolts and agressions,  resulting in  93 deaths only in 1917, and in 1923, 1,756 socially and politically motivated assassinations were recorded.  On June 4, 1923, an anarchist attempted against the life of Cardinal Juan Soldevila y Romero of Zaragoza.

It can now be understood that the Spanish revolution begun in 1931 and fought against by the nationalists gave rise to to the consequent Civil War (1934-1939) qhich lasted umtil the victory of the ant-liberal and anti-communist forces ot the Caudillo Francisco Franco Bahamonte (Head of the Army of the sane portion of the nation and of the Carlists, the requetés and the Falange). It was the logical end of the situation created in Spain by the work of the liberal politics of the 'illuminated' and illuminist of the Bourbons.

In the turbid and sinister period of Maía Cristina the environment became ripe for the dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera, who, backed by the military rose up against the government in Barcelona on September 23, 1923 (Vitalino Mattioli)

Primo de Rivera ruled for seven years until 1930 succeeding in calming down and puttin the country in order but he was unable to confront the root of the problem, that being Freemasonry's plot against the Church and Spain and the class struggle unleashed by soviet socialism to put the Iberian Peninsula, and Europe afterwards, on fire; these forces, in 1931 increased the furious violence campaign of violence against religion and fatherland which ended thanks to the intervention of the Caudillo, Francisco Franco with the help, informal at first but officially later, of Italy and Germany during 1936-39. 

The reds were being supported, de facto but also de jure, from abroad, Besides the Soviet Union, also by the leftis French government of Leon Blum (+ 1950) and the Great Britain of Arthur Chamberlain (+ 1940), the which decided not to intervene officially, only with concrete aid, so as not to provoke an official intervention on the party of Mussolino´s Italy or Hitler´s Germany and not to strengthen the Madrid-Rome axis still more. Judeo-Bolshevism, installed in France in 1936, being the Popular Front the ruling party, headed  by Jewish Freemason Leon Blum saw in Spain a prize that would allow the Boschevization of all of Europe (Léon de Poncins 'Histoire Secrète de la Révolution Espagnole,  París, Beauchesne, 1938, pág.74).

Freemasonry in secret and social communism publicly continued the hidden war and the revolts respectively, compelling the resignation of  Primo de Rivera on January 28, 1930, Alfonso XIII accepted his resignation, reaching the elections of April 12, 1931. The monarchy obtained the greater number of votes but, because the election laws had been written craftily by the subversives, the left, though getting a smaller number of votes, got more seats in parliament. The weak Alfonso XIII exiled himself in Rome, where he died in 1941, after having presented the future Juan Carlos I de Borbón in 1938 (qualis pater talis filius). On April 14, the ¿Second Republic' was born, which lasted until 1936 when the army commanded by Franco rose against communist ferocity and restored order after three apocalyptic years of civil war.

The hidden history

Léon de Poncins wrote the aforementioned very interesting book 'The Hidden History of the Spanish Civil War'. The author demonstrates starting off from events and documents ('Bulletin' of the Spanish and French Freemasonry, 'Discourses' of the Bolshevik heads of Jewish origin, etc.), that the Spanish Civil War was being prepared for almost 50 years already by the "occult forces that operate in the shades (such as masonry and Judeo-Bolshevism) undermining the monarchy slowly, silently but inexorably starting out in 1880. (page 17 of the cited work)

The Bourbon monarchy (Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII) and even the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera were defeated by the "poor preparation, disorder, and carelessness with which they confronted so astute and malicious an enemy as Freemasonry and Judeo-Bolshevism. The same with Primo de Rivera in spite of his not leaning towards liberalism and socialism as the Bourbons; he never took the decision of attacking Freemasonry to the root, although he had noticed its malice, making war with arms pointed without shooting and the sect became stronger [...] It was a capital error to declare war against Freemasonry with words, without actions'' (page 18-20) 

Error cannot be defeated without attacking he who errs, Freemasonry cannot be defeated without attacking freemasons, nor modernism without condemning modernists. In effect, if there is no man erring errors do not exist, and errors in the abstract cannot be confronted letting the concrete errors stand. "Actiones et passiones sunt suppositorum" taught Saint Thomas and Aristotle.

Another fatal error of the Bourbon monarchy was to pretend fighting the Reds' machine guns with electoral ballots. Mauricio Karl, in his beautiful book "Asesinos de España (Madrid, 1937) wrote "it's of no use to cry like little women, on the contrary, it is necessary to defend ourselves as men, with nails and teeth. For this, it is necessary to be ready to die and kill in the battle."

On July, 11, 1936, Calvo Sotelo said in Parliament that he wanted to apply that tactic. But only hardly three days later, on thee 13th of that month at three in the morning, he was assassinated by the Reds after having been unauthorizedly condemned to death by Dolores Ibarruri while the monarchic Carlist leader was still delivering his speech, by shouting in the same Parliament "this man has spoken for the last time"

In that same speech, Calvo Sotelo affirmed, among other, three fundamental truths:

1st: A Government that fails to succeed in guaranteeing the order and internal peace of the nation and the right to work of its citizens has to step down.

2nd: taking into consideration the deficiency of the democratic system and the imminent proletarian revolution, Spain must defend itself with arms.

3rd: definitively, it must propose a form of corporative and authoritarian State to definitely defeat the proletarian, totalitarian, and Bolshevik dictatorship.

As Tertullian says, "The blood of martyrs are the seed of Christians". That is how on July 18, hardly five days afeter the assassination of Calvo Sotelo, Francisco Franco departs from the Canary Islands at the head of the Spanish Army and saves the homeland and the Church from the Soviet Bear and the Anglo-French plutocratic pachyderm.

De Poncins demonstrates, with documents in hand, that the most part of the ministers of the Second Spanish Republic were, more than socialists, communists, freemasons, and hebrews (at least of origin). For example, Alcalá Zamora, who was Prime Minister and President of the Second Republic  from 1931 through 1937, was Hebrew of origin, and although he flaunted his attending mass every Sunday, permitted his government to massacre priests and faithful, and to profanate the churches where he pharisaically attended. (pages 13-32) De Poncins asks himself just as many others at that time, whether Alcalá Zamora was not a marrano who internally was tied to talmudic Judaism and only externally gave the appearance of being a Christian, to  dtroy Spain and the Church that way. (p 22)

The Official Bulletin (always 'reserved') of the Grand Orient of Spain (N° 61, of December 10, 1931) who were reprinted in the (openly public) daily "El Liberal". Then the sect became alarmed, because it intended to fight in secret, slowly, and then let the dirty task of striking the final blow, to the social/communist party. For which reason the masonic authorities decreed ceasing the open and public propaganda that exhibits the influence of the masonic fraternity. "Certain assertions of our liberal friends may cause worse damage to freemasonry than what may cause to us  the incompetence of our enemies.. It should never be published in the profane dailies that Freemasonry in fact rules Spain." (L de Poncins, page 29) 

According to the initiated, freemasonry (and de Pincins corroborates) is a counter church, as has been written by Dr. Dominique in a French weekly, with a philosophy diametrically opposed to common sense, to realism and to the philosophy of being. It is an "aping of the Church '' against the true Church, just as the devil is an aping of God (Tertullian): Spain was profoundly theocratic. Which allows assuming that  Freemasonry intends to transform her in a diametrically opposed direction, that is, into a demon-ocracy. Since Catholicism is no longer the religion of the State it will be replaced by another philosophy an by another religion, that of the Soviets and of man." (P. Dominique Dec 30, 1931)

In spite of the majority of the Spaniards remained Catholicl. in 1931, it ceased being so officially, as happened in <mexico in 1917 (read Calles and the Cristero Revolution) This happened thanks to to the underground efforts of freemasonry and judaism.) to the  liberal/illuminitics spirit that entered Spain with the Bourbons Alfonso XII and XIII and in addition due to the communist pamphlets and the soviet arms that entered the Peninsula since 1920, three years before Primo de Rivera carried out the coup d'etat. 

Also, France and England, as we have seen before, played a decisive role in Spain, giving support to the subversives. In August 1936, for example, the two nations jointly proclaimed refraining from any intervention in Spain, but actually gave support to the reds until 1939, along with Stalin's USSR (L de Poncins, page 107), with which they will later become allies (along with the USA) from 1942 t0 1945, dividing Europe among themselves into two parts in Yalta in 1945.

On August 15, 1936, the French Exterior Minister, Yvon Delbos, in a note to the British ambassador, Georg Clerk, proclaimed the French government's decision of officially and publicly abstaining itself from any intervention in Spain, but these declarations were only to give the appearance an purely verbally for the journalists. In reality, Great Britain and France, together, naturally, with Stalin's Soviet Union, gave de facto support to the reds and he anarchists, with the direct and indirect sending of arms, munition, airplanes, money and combattants (L de Poncins page 197). Fernando de los Ríos, socialist Spanish minister and afterwards ambassador of the Spanish 'Second Republic' to the USA, in a letter addressed to José Giral, president of the Frente Popular Español on July 25, 1936 affirmed that "it is necessary to save the republican Spain, just as Leon Blum also thought, but if she is supported officially, then Germany and Italy will support the anti-subversive and Catholic Spain, but in actuality we secretly assist the Spanish Republican Government (L de Poncins, pages 109/115).

De Poncins has no qualms in justly describing the Spanish Republican Force as the 'Infernal Trinity, made up of Judaism, Freemasonry and Communism" who fights against the Most Holy Trinity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and His Church (page 115). A generalized slogan cried by the reds during the Civil War was. "Cursed be the <<father, the Son and the Holy Spirit"

The anti-religious character of the Spanish civil war was well highlighted in its beginnings (January 30, 1937) in the Pastoral Letter of Cardinal Isidoro Gomá, Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain.

The Cardinal wrote: "the Spanish Revolution has attempted to remove God from the national soul. Because the revolutionaries and mainly the leaders are the 'godless' or 'enemies of God'. Indeed without a good doctrine a good life cannot be lived. Now, materialism, intrinsically atheist and perverse, for its nature itself is the cause of the moral and practical ruin. Spain, in face of the barbarism of the communist revolution, has to assume the providential role of saving the Christian civilization of Old Europe, attacked by the Soviet Bolshevism, with the intention of exporting communism from Eastern Europe to the whole of Western Europe"

After July 1st 1937, the essentially anti religious character of the Spanish 'Civil War' was well highlighted in the Collective Letter of the Spanish bishops addressed to those of the entire world.

I summarize briefly:

1) The Spanish Revolution is characterized principally by the anti-Christian spirit and the hatred of the Religion of Christ and of Catholic civilization.

2) It was organized by occult forces (judeo/masonry) who served Bolshevism as the material arm to destroy and kill.

3) In addition, it is anti-patriotic because the Spanish soul is profoundly Catholic and religious.

4) The cruel Revolution of 1936 was originated with the struggle between two cities, the City of God and that of the Devil (Saint Augustine, The City of God) which are irreconcilable

5) In face of the ferocity of the Communist barbarism direct from judeo-masonry, the only extreme remedy is armed combat; The Church admits the licitude of legitimate defense by persons and by nations who can and under certain circumstances should, repel the aggressive and unjust force with the force of licit defense."

6) The purpose of the Spanish revolution was to eliminate an exterminate the Catholic religion in Spain, a true an proper 'holocaust' of Catholicism.

7) The weakness of the liberal monarchy of Alfonso XII and XIII opened the gates to the communist Revolution. Indeed, the logical consequence of liberal laicism, who wants to legally eliminate God from society is carried out by means of the Bolshevik War, to wipe out all reference to God.

8) Hidden behind brutal Bolshevism are the occult forces, that is, the secret sects and above all the mother of them all, Freemasonry, daughter of talmudic judaism.

9) the Comintern or International Communism of Soviet origin, declared against Spain the public cruel war, began hidden in the seven hundreds and eight hundreds.

10) the rise of the cmilitary-civil movement prevented carrying out the program of total extermination or holocaust of the Catholics and of the Christian Religion in Spain, concocted by judeo/masonry and carried out by international Bolschevism with support from the liberal European plutocracies (France and England), (radical progressivists as well as liberal conservatives).

11) because Spain had only two alternatives, either disappear under Soviet Communist aggression or go forward with a titanic effort to resist with arms the peril and defend  Religion and Civilization from Communism, enemy of God and of the Fatherland.

12) Fortunately, on July 18, 1936, the Army rebelled, joined by collaboration of the sane population that did not hesitate to take up arms to defend the Religion and the Homeland against the Soviet assault.

13) The USSR infiltrated first the liberal government (1920) then the Republican one (1931) and also the Spanish Army to unleash the civil war (1936).

14) the foundation of any well-ordered society is God. The Communist Anti Spanish Revolution, on the contrary, is essentially anti-divine, trying to carry out the secular liberal legislation of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

15) the military rebellion was the sane reaction against the nihilist fury that wanted to destroy God, Religion, morals,right reason, culture and civilization, because nihilism is the last stege of the annihilating liberal-communist subversion.

16) The Civil War divided the Spanish people in two (the 'two parties' of Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort, the 'two flags' of saint Ignatius of Loyola, the 'two cities' of Saint Augustine, the God or Mammon of the Gospel) one of the parties with with spiritual and religious inspiration, defendir order, social peace, traditional civilization and the Fatherland, the other tending to marxist materialism intending to replace the Spanish civilization with the 'new'  civilization of the of the Russian soviet.

17) The cruel and savage character of the Spanish Revolution, wrote the bishops, is unique, be it on account of a premeditated hecatomb to annihilate the Catholic religion totally and physically and of the traditional Spanish civilization,,be it on account of the new and destructive war armements used. Additionally, the hatred exerted against the ministers of God and the sacred things can be defined as inhumane, barbarian and even diabolical. This hatred cannot be conceived without an unnatural intervention and an infernal suggestion.

18) Concluding, the bishops responded to the objections of the time, which have spreaded among the public to our days, according to which the reaction of the nationals and the religious was excessive. With a very good sense and without any kind of Manichaeism, the Spanish episcopate admits that any war has its excesses: the natiionalist/military uprising may have had its own, but no man could have reacted with the maximum calm and serenity before an attack of such characteristics of violence, inhumanity and cruelty. On the other hand, the calculated and determined will of the reds was to eliminate God, to kill him for the sake of killing him, not to defend themselves, whereas the military uprising may have defended itself with a possible excess due to the particularly fierce circumstance it had to combat. "He who walks stumbles, the proverb says.

In an interview with the Noticias daily of December 31, 1936, Generalissimo Franco declared tha Freemasonry was the one responsible for the ruin of Spain begun with Alfonso XII reaching the paroxysm of 1936. Freemasonry had infiltrated the army, and especially among the officers, serving itself of comminist militants to plant chaos in the nation. Franco quote two documents of the Spanish Freemasonry. the first one written by the Grand Master Martínez Barrio, and the other one sequestered by the falangists in the Lodge of Toledo in 1936. According to such documents, international Freemasonry (of Paris, Geneve, Pague, Belgium, and Mexico) was the principal cause of the Spanish disaster. Spanish Freemasonry fought with is foreign sisters, closely united with reds against the Spanish Falange, the European Fascisms and the Roman Church (topic amply covered by de Poncins, pages 115-121)

In his last speech, delivered in Madrid in 1975, shortly before his death, he refers again to the 'Judeo-Masonic plot against Spain', inciting the Spaniards to fight for a 'One, Great and Free' Spain, ending with the invocation: Long Live Spain!

Unfortunately, the Freemasaons assassinated Franco's trusted man, Admiral Carrero Blanco, who would have had to control young Juan Carlos I, leaving then the Freemasons with free hands to reproduce in Spain the chaos originated with his predecessors, Alfonso XII and III and the Second Republic.

De Poncins understood perfectly well tha Spain was only an intermediary stage to unleash next a World War destroying Old Europe. Italy and Germany were culpable for having accepted to get into this infernal project of 1936 and 1939-45, paying the consequences. It can be affirmed that the Second World War was the continuation of the Spanish Civil War, with the same actors: USA, USSR, France and England on the one side, and Italy and Germany on the other, and with identical objective; the Judeo-Masonic New World Order, to destroy Fatherland and Church (si fiere potest). In 1945 Europe was defeated by the Bolshevik, Judaic, Masonic, and beginning in 1990, it began attacking those countries that had not known the Illuminism of the French Revolution, Liberalism, Communism (from the 'orange  Revolution' against the neo-czarist Russia of Solzhenitsyn/Putin to the 'Spring Revolution' in Libia, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon) so that the Judeo-Americans attain domination of the entire world, since they have imposed themselves in Europe, reducing her to a pile of moral, spiritual and moral rubble. Will they have the same success in the Orient and in Russia? We will know it in the next few months or years. The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail wrote (August 26, 2013) that in 48 hours England would inform when she will bomb Syria, being it understood that the war would begin sometime between Monday 2 and Sunday 15 September 2013.