domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020

The New Law, the New World Order, and the Cultural Revolution. VI

The New Law, the New World Order, and the Cultural Revolution

By Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado 


VI. Human Dignity and the Cultural Revolution

Today, it is not necessary to send armies to
take over the entire world. It suffices with
subjecting the world spiritually and culturally.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Never before in history had it been insisted so much upon human dignity as the foundation for a legal system, and on the primacy of the inalienable rights of the individual, but it is also true that never in the history of legality had the common good as a limit to such primacy been forgotten as now. An individualist doctrine has been tried to construct, in which the dignity of man has been caricatured, reducing it exclusively to liberty, and liberty to the absence of coercion; desire and appetite without any limitation would become a foundation of law, in consequence, within such sui/generis personalism the autonomy of the individual would become the sole foundational value for legality, giving no consideration to the others as an essential element of law, or the fulfillment of duty, and much less the common good.

The right to make valid any act willed by the state or by the individual as a right, even when sometimes limited for utilitarian reasons, would be absolute relativism: Everyone can claim the most strange, contradictory and even absurd things as rights; without doubt, we would have to conclude that anarchy is a right. We are heading toward an inexorable degradation with the pretext of the validity of a new dogma or rather a Utopia, called by some the free development of our animality, a perfect caricature of the true development of personality which proposes man to rid himself even of his own nature. This has entailed a rapid process of moral dissolution or of collective degradation which, if not stopped, will end up having the classical concept of social liberty as ordered liberty disappear. In the end, the war of all against all will ensue.

Is perhaps the above not the ideological support for the personal drug dose, suicide, abortion, homosexual unions, euthanasy, eugenics, incest, anonymous maternity, zoophilia, and whatnot, recognized by diverse international treaties and by a great majority of national legal systems and justified in the name of the new secular dogmas. The tolerance, pluralism, non-discrimination, to which the entire society is being led, whether by means of State programs implemented by the ministries of health and education or by means of decisions proferred by the Constitutional Court in sentences which make reference to the free development of our personality.  Having the State lost its moral dimension, it turns into a clear abetter of social disorder. This is an authentic cultural revolution in which the school our children attend, our families, the business where we work, the mentality, politics, religion, morality, in sum our entire life has to conform itself with those 'politically correct' postulates.

With great acuteness, the prologue of the text "La Revolución Cultural; un smog que envenena a la familia chilena" (The Cultural Revolution; a smog that poisons the Chilean family), reads ¨Yes, a revolution that penetrates as smog in all environments, gradually contaminating laws and customs, corroding principles, eliminating the notions of good and evil and implementing a new, atheist and relativist morality and that additionally prepares the juridical and publicity climate to persecute those who oppose any degree of resistance¨,  it is a program of deconstruction of what remains of a Christian inspired society, to impose a model relativist in its ideology and immoral in its conduct; its doctrinaire foundation lies on a peculiar interpretation of human rights, dispensing fully of the Church teachings and of the Christian nature of our people. Of course, all of the preceding carried out by the dictatorship of the tolerant,  who are practicing a far-reaching social chirurgy, cutting off the Christian roots of our society and imposing a Freudian pansexuality, demolishing of the family and of all our traditions.

Unabashedly, Rodolfo Llopis, leader of the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party), recognizes the agenda that socialism has devised on the topic:

"To me, no revolution takes place simply by the carrying out of a change in the political regime. Not even when together with the change in the political regime a social change takes place, is there a revolution. To me, the revolutionary cycle does not end until the revolution takes place in the conscience of the people... it is necessary to take over the souls of the children." After that would come – and we are experiencing it in our politics – what the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci proposed: Marxianize the interior man without violence or bloodshed, it matters not to conquer the streets and towns, what must be conquered is the mind of civil society, especially in Hispanic America and the South of Europe; all the habitats, the customs, the social institutions where Roman Catholicism has more deeply guided the thinking and actions of the generality of populations, where it has been fulfilled to the letter by actions of the aforementioned state and judicial organisms. It is necessary, in compliance with the commitments of the Cultural Revolution, to alter such mind, turn it into its opposite in every detail, so that it turns not only into a non-Christian mind but into an anti-Christian mind. Such goals have been attained by means of a quiet and anonymous revolution in the name of human dignity and human rights, and in the name of liberty and autonomy with respect to external restrictions.

The ideology of human rights which rules at the present time ends up fostering the absolute liberation of man from all kinds of powers and dominations, even the constitutional ones. Such ideology, in its liberal origin, makes man independent not only of kings and privileges but basically of God, of its law and of religion, then of material inequalities and at the present time seeks to free us from anything which limits man's autonomy, starting with our own body; it is the primacy of the individual body to which reason is now subjected, to such a degree has it been dogmatized that authority of any order which does not subject itself to such ideology will be deemed to be illegitimate by NGOs and multilateral organisms. Today the favorite targets of the cultural revolution are not the military headquarters or the public offices as it once used to be; today, as said before, it is the souls of children, it is an unnoticed ideological transfer produced in a subtle manner in our entire culture. The taking of the Winter Palace, Gramsci sometime said referring to the political power, is the last thing to try; the taking over of the culture should come first.

Our ineffable Nicolás Gómez Dávila summarizes this in one of his erudite extraordinary sentences or scholia as they are popularly known: "The revolution only invades palaces previously deserted."

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