domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2020

The Jew, Chapter II

The Jew in the Mystery of History


By Father Julio Meinvielle

Translated from the Spanish by Roberto Hope

Go to Chapter I

Chapter II

The Jew and the Christian Peoples

In the preceding chapter we have expounded upon the greatness and the misery of this Jewish people, the only sacred lineage on earth. And because it is a sacred lineage, it is the only one that is to perpetuate itself throughout history as a carnal witness of Him in whom all lineages in the world are blessed. The Jewish bloodline, the Jewish lineage is the mystery of greatness and of misery, because that lineage brought us the Redeemer. But the Redeemer, put as a stumbling stone to the world, was also the stumbling stone to this lineage that carried His blood. This is why those of this lineage who believed in Christ were made the runk and root of the luxuriant Olive which is the Church. Those of this lineage who rejected Christ were made the trunk and root of the vine that produces wild grapes (Is. 5, 4)

From the Jews, salvation comes, but salvation even for the Jews. Salvation is not the Jews nor Abraham the father. Salvation is Jesus Christ. Woe to this people, forged and sanctified to bring salvation, to deliver Christ, if it believes that its flesh is salvation! Then in the name of its flesh it will crucify Him who constituted its greatness, and then these people, made great for Him who comes from its lineage, will become miserable because of the voluntary rejection they will make of Christ.

It is important to fathom this Mystery of the Greatness and Perfidy of the Jews. The Jew that refuses to adhere to Christ is a ‘being of iniquity’, he is a ‘being of perfidy’, and in the course of history cannot but persecute Christ. Even if he does not wish to do so, it is his destiny. Because the reason of being of this race is the Christ. Either with Him or against Him. Whence, the perfidy of the carnal Jew. And carnal is any Jew  who does not adhere to Christ. Then, let us simply say: the perfidy of the Jew.

But let us, the gentiles who have embraced the faith in Christ, keep in mind that this Jewish perfidy has a sacred, theological, character. In it is the stamp of God. Therefore, we are not to fight against ‘this Judaic perfidy’, against ‘this deicide people’, the same way as is fought against other human forces. Let us remind ourselves that this people, the new Cain, carries with it a sign so that no one dares exterminating it.

It is not on the basis of persecutions or ‘progroms’ how the Jewish problem can be solved, and this is why the High Pontiffs of all times have protested against any hate towards the Jews; and in Hitler’s tremendous persecution, the Roman Pontiffs and the German Bishops have made their protest known.

But even though we Christians are obligated to love the Jew in accordance with the precept ordering to love our own enemies, it does not follow that we should fail to recognize the danger that they represent or that we should not guard against it. We also have to love the lepers, but this does not prevent us from isolating them to prevent contamination; we have to love criminals but this does not prevent us from putting them in jail so that they do not harm society.

It is very important to underline, in the modern environment in which we live, which has allowed itself to be dulled by the sentimental ideas of liberalism, that the Jew, true Ismael in opposition to Isaac, Esau in opposition to Jacob, Cain in opposition to Abel, cannot be ruled by the same laws apply to Chistians. It should be ruled by a law of exception which takes the due measures and adequate provisions against the theological peril posed by this race.

Neither exterminate them from the midst of the Christian peoples, as antisemitism proposes, nor give them the right to equality as claimed by liberalism or philosemitism, which in reality turns out to be a right to superiority.

Antisemitism has been condemned by the Church in the decree of the Holy Office of March 25, 1928, which says: ”...the Catholic Church has always been accustomed to pray for the Jewish people, who were the depository of the divine promises up until the arrival of Jesus Christ, notwithstanding their subsequent blindness, or rather, because of this very blindness. Moved by that charity, the Apostolic See has protected the same people from unjust ill-treatment, and just as it censures all hatred and enmity among people, so it altogether condemns in the highest degree possible any hatred against the people once chosen by God, viz., the hatred that now is what in common parlance is usually meant by the term known generally as “anti-Semitism.”

Liberalism in all legislation and practice of the Church is also condemned.

The Jew is to live among Christians as a blind witness of Christian truth and as a spur obligating us to remain faithful to Jesus Christ. Neither is he to be exterminated nor to be frequented. Not the former, because he performs the theological role of Cain, who carries the stamp of God for no one to exterminate him. Not the latter, because he is utterly perilous.

The Jew can be and is good within his own people. His customs are generally irreproachable and laudable. But with respect to other peoples, even when living in their midst, is a hypocritical enemy who is plotting in the shade against those who afford him hospitality. He is an enemy who ensnares.

Just as he one day tried Christ, insulted Him, spat on Him, and delivered Him to the gentiles so that He be nailed to the Cross, his sole reason for being and his only preoccupation is to destroy Christianity.

The Acts of the Apostles relate to us how all the early persecutions directed against the Apostles and against the Church were plotted by the Jews. They would threaten Saint Peter so that he would not preach about Christ (4. 1-23); they stoned Saint Stephan (6 and 7). Persecuted the Christians in Jerusalem (8, 1), schemed to kill Saint Paul (9, 23), aroused persecutions against Paul in Iconium (14), in Listra (14), in Thessalonica (17), in Corinth (18), in Jerusalem (22). Tertulian summarizes the Fathers’ denunciations against the Judaic peril with this phrase: Sinagogae Judaeorum fontes persecutionum. The Synagogues of the Jews are the sources of our persecutions.

The Jews in all these persecutions do nothing but comply with their destiny. Saint Paul, the terrible Pharisee converted to Christ on the Road to Damascus, enunciates the persecutions against the Church.

28. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.” (Gal. 4)

29. “But, as then, he that was born according to the flesh, persecuted him that was after the spirit; so also it is now.”

And this ‘as then’ is to be perpetuated throughout the entire Christian history because it is a theological law stronger than all the plans and resources of men.

The Talmud

What is important to know is that the Jew acquiesces with this his law by virtue of his Judaism, as he who accomplishes a mission.

Because this law contained in the Talmud, which rules the Jews, commands him, indeed, to despise and hate all peoples, especially the Christian peoples, and never to cease until they are dominated and subjected to them as slaves. Let’s see what Paulus L. B. Drach, the renowned rabbi converted to Christianity in the past century, in his famous and rare work De l’harmonie entre l’Eglise et la Synagogue says (Paul Melier, Libraire-éditeurs, Paris, 1844). Drach says that the Talmud: “designates the great body of doctrine of the Jews, on which the most authorized ministers of Israel have worked at different times. It is the complete, civil and religious code of the Synagogue. Its purpose is to explain Moses’ law in conformity with the spirit of oral tradition, and contains the discussions of the various doctors. If the level-headed reader of the Talmud can afflict himself sometimes by the strange aberrations in which the human spirit can fall; if more than once the turpitudes of rabbinic cynicism compel him to cover his face; if the faithful is to become perturbed by the atrocious and senseless calumnies that the impious hatred of the Pharisees disseminate over all objects of his religious veneration; in contrast, the Christian theologian can find there precious facts and traditions to explain more than one obscure text of the New Testament and to convince our adversaries of the antiquity of the Catholic Dogma.  The Talmud contains the actual traditions, which are entrusted to a body of seventy learned men, the sanhedrin, which was seen as the legitimate successor of Moses. There, the religious and the profane are mixed, especially after the Jews were taken captive to Babylon (586 BC). Then the authority of the Rabbis displaces Moses and the prophets. The prescriptions for the temporal expansion of the Jewish people acquire greater importance than the precepts for religious improvement. These rabbinic teachings, which aggravate the worst instincts of the Jewish people, have resulted in creating an anti-social and criminal mentality which makes misfits of these people among all of the nations that give them shelter.”

The Talmud acquired singular virulence after Christianity appeared. There, the most insolent and sacrilegious infamies against Christ and Christians were stamped. This determined that the books of the Talmud were put on fire by order of the Roman pontiffs and the Christian princes. It was then when a Jewish Synod, congregated in Poland in 1631, ordered the suppression of everything referring to Christ and Christians, in the following terms: “For such reasons, we mandate that from now on, when you publish a new edition of these books, you leave blank the passages where they speak of Jesus of Nazareth, drawing a circle such as this one: Օ; and any rabbi, as any other teacher, take care of teaching this passage to their congregation only verbally. In that way, Christian men of science will have nothing to reproach you in this respect, and we can prevent the greatest calamities from supervening us and it will be possible for us to live in peace.”

The work of Pranaitis

In 1892, from the printing presses of the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg, came out the best and most careful anthology of talmudic maxims referring to Christ and to Christians. Its author was Monsignor I. B. Pranaitis, holder of the Hebrew chair at the Imperial University, and carried as its title: “Christianus in Talmude Judaeorum, sive Rabbinicae doctrinae de christianis secreta” (the Christian in the Jewish Talmud, or the secrets of rabbinical teaching regarding Christians). The book contained the Hebrew text of the rabbinic prescriptions, with their translation into latin. But the copies disappeared almost completely. Just a few were saved. With one of these, Mario de Bagni published a photocopied edition, with its corresponding Italian translation (Tunminelli, Rome, 1939). We have made use of the latter edition for our present book. 

The Talmud teachings referring to Christ and to Christians

Before transcribing literally the most insulting and criminal passages of the Talmud referring to Christ and to Christians, we shall give an overall depiction of them. In the first part we shall spell out the doctrine of the Talmud on Christ and on Christians, and in a second part describe the Talmud’s precepts regarding Christians.

The first part comprises two chapters, one on Christ and one on Christians.

On Christ. He is disdainfully called: ‘this man’, ‘a quidam’, ‘the son of the carpenter’, ‘the hanged’. It teaches that He is the spurious child of a menstruated woman. That he had the soul of Esau, that he was a fool, a seducer, an idolater, that He was crucified, buried in hell, and that up to now He is an idol for His minions. As a seducer and idolater, He could not have taught anything other than error and heresy, and that His teachings are irrational and impossible to follow.

On Christians.  They are called Notsrim, Nazarene, and they are applied all the names they use to designate non-Jews: Abada zara, which means practicers of idolatry; acum, worshippers of the stars and planets; Obdé Elilim, servants of idols; Minim, heretics; Edom, idumeans; Goyim, gentiles; Nokhrim, foreigners, aliens; Ammé Aarez, people of the earth, ignorant; Apicorosim, epicureans; Cutim, samaritans.

About Christians they say what most abominable can be imagined. That they are idolaters, dreadful men, worse than the Turks, homicide, libertine, impure animals, beasts with human form, contaminants as dung, unworthy of calling themselves men, oxen and asses, pigs, dogs, worse than dogs; that they propagate as beasts, that they are of a diabolical origin, that their souls come from the devil and that they are to return to the devil in hell after death, that the cadaver of a dead Christian cannot be distinguished from the remains of an extinct beast.

Of the cult of the Christians they say that it is idolatrous, that their priests are priests of Baal, that their temples are houses of fatuity and idolatry, and that all of the furnishings in them, chalices, books, serve idolatry; that their private and public prayers are sins that offend God, and that their holidays are calamities.

The second part of the precepts of the Talmud on Christians comprises three chapters: Christians should be avoided, should be destroyed, should be killed.

Christians should be avoided: According to the Talmud, for the same reason that the Jew comes from a chosen lineage and receives circumcision, he is endowed with so high a dignity that nobody, not even an angel, can equal him (Chullin 91 b). Even more, he is even considered almost equal to God. He who slaps an israelite on the face, says R. Chemina, is as if he gave a blow to the Divine Majesty (Sanhedrin 58 b). The Jew is always good, no matter the number or gravity of his sins, which don’t get to contaminate him, just as the mud does not contaminate the kernel of the nut but only its shell (Chagigah 15 b), Only the Israelite is man; to him belongs the entire universe and all things should serve him, especially the animals that have the form of a man.

Being this so, it becomes manifest that all intercourse with Christians stains the Jews and clashes with their dignity. They consequently have to keep themselves cut off from any customs and activities of Christians.

Christians have to be avoided because they are filthy. The Abhodah Zarah 72 b relates that one day a Hebrew was transferring wine using a siphon with two canes, both submerged in vases. A Christian came and touched the siphon, and suddenly all the wine became contaminated.

They have to be avoided because they are idolatrous and pernicious, and so it is not licit to a Jew to use a Christian nursemaid, teacher, barber, or midwife.

Christians have to be destroyed. Of the disciples of ‘that man’ whose name itself sounds to Jews as  “be his name erased from memory”, nothing can be wished other than they all perish: Romans, tyrants, those that have taken the sons of Israel into captivity, so that Jews can free themselves of this fourth captivity. Every Israelite is thus obligated to combat with all his strength that impious kingdom of Idumea, disseminated throughout the globe. But since not always, not everywhere, and not all of the Christians is it possible for Jews to exterminate, the Talmud commands to fight them at least indirectly, harming them in all forms, diminishing in that way their power and preparing for their ruin. Wherever it is possible, the Jew may kill Christians, and he has to do it with no mercy. Let us dwell on this point transcribing texts from the work of Prainatis.

Abhodah Zarah 26 b: Heretics, traitors and apostates must be thrown into a well from which they cannot be pulled out.

If we add to this the tyrants which now reduce Israel to captivity, we will have four categories of people who have to be killed by the Jews; to wit: traitors, apostates, tyrants and all the Christian-heretics with no exception, not even if they were the best of men.

I) Worst enemies of the Jews ‒ Noseroth, traitors ‒ are considered to be those who reveal the secrets of the Talmud or who cause pecuniary harm to them, even if it is of minor amounts.

  • Choschen Hammischpat 388, 10: It is licit to kill the informer even in our time, wherever he may be found. He may be killed even before he gives the information. As soon as he has said he wants to betray someone in his property or in his wealth, even if these are small and little harm can be done, he has pronounced a sufficient cause of death against himself. Let him know and warn him: “May you not intend to inform.” But if he foolishly says: “No, I will inform this”, he must be killed; and the sooner someone should kill him, the greater merit he will have. If there is not enough time to let him know, the warning is not necessary. There are some who say that the traitor should be killed only when it is impossible to get rid of the threat by depriving him of a limb. If it should be possible to get rid of him by, for example, removing his tongue or his eyes, then it is not licit to kill him, because he is not worse than other persecutors.

  • Choschen Hammischpat 388, 15: If it were to be proven that someone has betrayed Israel more than thrice, or has made that Jewish money pass to Christian hands, it will be necessary to seek a prudent and cunning way to suppress him from the face of the earth.

  • Sanhedrin 59 a: R. Jochaman says: the Christian who scrutinizes the law is condemned to death.

II) Jews who receive baptism are to be killed.

  • Iove Dea 158, 2 Hagah: :  Prevaricators who pass to the side of Christians and contaminate themselves with the Christians, worshipping the stars and the planets as they do, are similar to those who prevaricate to irritate God; this is why they should be dropped into a well and not taken out. 

III) Christians are to be killed because they are tyrants, remainders of the Amalekites, which the Old Law commands destroying.

  • Zohar I, 219 b: Truth is, our captivity shall last until the Christian princes which adore idols are erased from the face of the earth.

  • IV All Christians should be killed without excepting the best among them

  • Abhodah Zarah 26 b. Iosephoth: The best among the goyim deserves being killed.

V) A Jew who kills a Christian does not sin, but offers an acceptable sacrifice

  • Sepher Or Israel 177 b. Erase the life of a Christian and kill him. This is agreeable to the Divine Majesty as he who offers incense.

  • Ibid. fol. 180. An Israelite is obligated to put all his will to remove the thorns from the vine; that is, to pluck out and extirpate Christians from the earth; no greater happiness can be given to Blessed God than this we do exterminating the impious and Christians from this world.

VI) After the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem, no greater sacrifice can there be than the extermination of Christians.

  • In the Zohar III 227 b., the Good Shepherd says: There is no sacrifice other than remove the filthy part from the surroundings.

  • Mikdasch Melech in the Zohar f, 62, says: The buck goat that they would sacrifice to Azazel on the day of expiation teaches us that we should also suppress the Christians from the world.

VII) Those who kill Christians are promised the supreme place in Paradise.

  • Zohar I, 38, b, and 39 a. In the fourth palace of Paradise are all those who wept for Sion and for Jerusalem and all those who have destroyed the remainders of idolatrous nations… and since purple is the honorific and distinctive garment of God, in the same way shall be honored and distinguished all those who have killed the idolatrous peoples.

VIII) Peace is not to be made with Christians, only exterminate them.

  • Hilkhoth Akum 10, 1. Do not make peace with idolaters; in a way permitting them to adore the idols… but separate them from their cult and kill them.

IX) All jews are obligated to act in concordance to destroy their enemies the traitors; if not by direct action, at least by all means possible.

  • Choschen Hammischpat, 388, 16: All residents in the town are obligated to reimburse the expenses made to kill the traitor, even those who pay their tributes for other concepts.

  • Pesachim 49 b: R. Eliezer says: It is licit to kill the idiot in the Feast of Expiation, even if it falls on Sabbath. His disciples told him: Rabbi, say rather immolate. To which he answered: In no way: because in immolating it is necessary to recite certain prayers, but in strangling they are not necessary.

Four accusations against the Jews

And now let us see how nineteen centuries of Christian history shall show four chapters of Jewish perversities; they are namely: 1) how the Jews, led by a satanic hatred, pursue the destruction of Christianity; 2) how they conspire against the Christian states that give them shelter; 3) how they appropriate the possessions of Christians; 4) how they exterminate the Christians, taking their life when they can.

In this chapter I will limit myself preferably to the historic time of the Middle Ages, and end by setting forth the repressive measures with which the Church, represented by the Sovereign Pontiffs, would prevent the danger of the Jews. A preliminary warning. In setting forth the perversities of this great race (because it is the foremost one for good as well as for evil) I will not let myself be carried away by any sentiment of disaffection against it. In the preceding section we have explained the spiritual greatness of this lineage, from which our Adorable Redeemer came. Israel is so great that it not only has been able to perpetrate evil but also does it to a terrible degree. Consecrated lineage, in that if it saves us in the Christ but when it moves away from God, it brings us the perdition in the Antichrist. 

We Christians cannot hate these people; we can only pity them, ourselves also trembling, because if these people fell, what would be of us if God’s mercy had not held us up? For all this I pray that no animosity be presumed in anything I may say; especially, of the iniquitous, of the perverse and of the perfidious, I will not be able to say anything more atrocious than what these people already perpetrated giving death to the Son of God.

Moreover, Jewish authors such as Bernard Lazare, in his book L’Antisémitisme, recognizes the perilousness of the Jews, forged by the mentality that the exclusivist action of the Rabbis has impressed on these people. “Rabbis, says he, (1934 ed., page 57 volume I), “had separated Israel from the community of nations; they had made of it a solitary savage, rebel to any law, hostile to any fraternity, closed to any beautiful, noble and generous idea; had made of it a miserable and small nation, sour for its isolation, besotten by a narrow education, demoralized and corrupted by an unjustified pride”

The Jews destroy Christianity

Let’s begin with the first accusation: how the Jews, led by a satanic hatred, pursue the destruction of Christianity.

Saint Paul, in the First Letter to the Thessalonians, reproaching the perfidy of the Jews who harassed the first converts of their nation, says (1 ad. Tess 02, 15): “Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; who prohibit us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved. With this they fill up the measure of their sins.”

We have seen how the Jews prevented this preaching in word and deed. In subsequent times, this perfidious action will perpetuate itself in a similar form.

Saint Justin, in his famous dialogue with the Jew Trypho, says repeatedly that the Jews, after having killed the Just, and before Him, the prophets, now dishonor and raise rebukes against Christians, and when they can, they take their life; Saint Basil affirms that previously it were the Jews and the pagans who fought each other, but now both the ones and the others fight against Christianity. And so we see the Jews in Smyrna, in year 155, demanding supplice for Saint Polycarp (Martyrium Sancti Policarp); in year 250 we see them insult Christians who refuse to apostatize (Passio S. Pionie); in year 304 they are among the most violent of those who try to force Saint Philip and his deacon Hennes to make sacrifice to idols in Heraclea (Passio S. Philippi Heracleensis), and in the same way in the Acts of the Martyrdom of Saint Pontius of Cimiez in year 261 and Saint Martinian of Caesaria; in Mauritania in year 303, the Jews figure as inciting the pagans against the Martyr Saints. They are, likewise, those who raise calumnies against Christians to stir up persecutions by the pagans, as affirmed by Saint Justin, by Tertulian (Ad. Marcionem III, XXIII), by Origen (C. Cels. VI, XXVII) and by Saint Gregory of Nazianzus (Oratorio n contra Jul.).

Jews collaborate joyfully with Julian the Apostate in the terrible persecutions against Christians (Ecclesiastical History of Socrates III, XVII). In Persia, say the Acts of Saint Simeon bar Sabba’e, Patriarch of Seleucia, the Sapor persecution is incited by the Jews, these perpetual enemies of the Christians, who are always found at the time of tempests, tenacious in their implacable hatred and which never refrain from any calumniating accusation. In Singara, in year 390, a Jewish boy who had converted to Christianity, had his throat slit by his own father; in year 524, Jewish King Yusuf Dhu Nuwas, of the Hymiarites, at instigation of the Jews,  unleashes a criminal persecution against Christians (H. Leclerc, Les Martyrs, Paris, 1905, t. VI, p. CIII). In Antioch, in year 603, Jews charge on the Christians, kill a great number of them and burn their dead bodies. In Palestine, in year 614, Jews massacred Christians by the thousands and put churches and convents on fire. (See article ‘Juifs et Chrétiens’ by F. Vernet in Dictionnaire d’ Apologétique).

From the twelfth century on, these persecutions diminish, not because the hatred has lessened but because, given the vigilance of Church and State, the possibility of them being carried out have been reduced,

However, we see the Jews allied with the heretics in the destruction of Christianity. With their intrigues, they convinced Leo III the Isaurian to conduct his Iconoclastic campaign. The Jews inspire and ally themselves with Cathars and Waldensians. An ordinance of Philip the Fair, of June 6, 1299, teaches us that the Jews would hide fugitive heretics (Donais, L’Inquisition, Paris, 1906), and in 1425, the Duke of Bavaria chastised the Jews in his duchy who had furnished arms to the Hussites against the Christians.

It is not daring to affirm, with the Jew Darmsteter, Les Prophétes d’Israel, that all revolutionaries of the spirit (heretics, consequently) come to the Jew, in the shade or in plain daylight, to gather the criminal arsenal of reasoning and blasphemies that they will later bequeath to posterity. (See Luis Dasté, Les Societés Secrétes el le juifs, 1912).

Conspire against the State

The Jews, if they wish to destroy Christianity, will also strive to exterminate the Christian States, and so we see them engaged at all times in the task of conspiring against the very state that offers them shelter. They have never been seen to assimilate with the nation that accepts them; on the contrary, they form a permanent center of espionage, ready to deliver that nation to the first enemy that presents itself.

The accusation of Minister Haman to King Ahasuerus against the Jews captive in Babylon has a surprising actuality in all times and places: “There is a people,  he says, disseminated throughout the world, who govern themselves by their own laws and who, opposing the customs of all peoples, despises the orders of the kings, and alters with their discussions the concord of all the people. A nation opposed to all lineages of men, which follows perverse laws and which perturbs the peace and concord of the provinces.” (Est. 13, 4).

In Spain, the Jews, in accord with their brethren in Africa, plot a conspiracy in year 694 to open the peninsula to the Arabs; in year 711, they ally themselves with the arabs who invade and conquer Spain. In year 852, they hand them Barcelona.

In France, around year 507, they accuse Saint Caesarius, Bishop of Arles, of wanting to deliver to the Francs the city occupied by the Visigoths, while a Jew, in the name of his coreligionists, offers himself to the siegers to let them into the town. Up until the twelfth century lasted in Toulouse the practice of a prominent Jewish community member being publicly face-slapped every year on Good Friday in front of the Count, in punishment for the treason by the Jews in favor of the Muslims. A similar practice was followed also in Béziers.

In year 845, the city of Bordeaux was delivered to the Normands by the Jews, and at the end of the thirteenth century, the Jews had reached an understanding with the mongols against the Christians in Hungary.

They appropriate the possessions of the Christians

The third grave accusation against the Jews is that they appropriate the possessions of the non-jews in all times and places.

Usury is the instrument used to exercise this appropriation. Lending at interest is robbery as always taught by Sacred Scripture and by the Church. This is why the Jews were severely prohibited from lending at interest among themselves (Deut. 23, 20). God had permitted them to lend to the strangers because, Saint Thomas says, avarice was very great among them, and so it had to be consented for them to lend to foreigners so that the Jews, their brethren who worshipped God were not to be exposed to usury (II. II. 78 a 1).

Actually, avarice is the capital sin of the Jews, just as in the gentiles the sin par excellence is lust. Prophet Isaiah has anathematized with words of fire the Jewish bent for avarice, and a modern Jew, Bernard Lazare, in his well known book L’Antisemitisme, recognizes that the love of gold has exaggerated to the point of becoming the sole motive for their actions.

I stated above that, just as avarice is the sin of the Jews, lust is the sin of the non-jews. A Jew, as miserable as he may be, will always be accumulating possessions, little by little, to form a capital; in contrast, the gentile is always bankrupt because he spends on vices more than what he earns. It is understandable that non-jews resort to Jews for money, and hence the words of God to the Jewish people in Deuteronomy (27, 12): “You shall lend to many people, but you shall not borrow from anyone.”

At all times, the Jews have been and are, to the chastisement of profligate Christans, the great usurers.

To circumscribe ourselves to one epoch in history, let us see what Jansen, the great historian of Germany and of the Reformation, says when he studies the German economy prior to the Reformation: “The Jews not only monopolized the exchange trade: the real source of their fortune was usury or the lending at interest on collateral, which afforded them great advantages and eventually got to be the true bankers of the time, and the lenders to all social classes. Lending to the emperor as well as to the simple artisan or farmer, they exploited the rich and the poor without the least of scruples. An approximate idea of the proportion that their business reached can be obtained examining the rate of interest authorized by law in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: In year 1338, Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria grants the burghers in Frankfurt, in order for them to protect the Jews in the city and look after their security, a special privilege, by virtue of which they can obtain loans from Jews at the rate of 32½% per year, whereas to the foreigners, they were authorized to lend at up to 43%. The Council of Mainz subscribed a loan for 1,000 florins and allowed them to charge 52%. In Regensburg, Augsburg, Vienna and other places, the legal interest would frequently rise up to 86%.”

“But the most vexatious interest rates were those demanded from minimal loans contracted at short terms, loans to which the small trader and farmer were required to resort. The Jews sack and skin the poor man, says copyist Erasmus of Ehrbach (1487). The matter gets to become truly intolerable; God may have mercy on us! The usurer Jews now install themselves at a fixed place in the smallest cities; when they advance 15 florins, they take collateral worth six times the value of the money lent; then they claim interest on interest, resulting in the poor man being deprived of everything he once possessed.”

“It is easy to understand, says Trithemius around that time, that among the small and among the great, among the learned and among the ignorant, among the princes and among the peasants, a profound aversion against usurious Jews has taken root, and I approve any legal measures that provide the people the means to defend themselves from usurious exploitation. What? Should a foreign race by any chance reign over us? Is it more powerful and determined than ours? Is its virtue more worthy of admiration? No! Its strength lies on nothing more than lousy money that it exacts from everywhere and which it obtains by all sorts of means, money the pursuit and possession of which seems to constitute the supreme happiness for these people. (See Jansen, L’Allemagne et la Reforme, I).

Let us recall another fact that demonstrates the proverbial usury of the Jews, and which at the same time shows the sempiternal prodigality and squandering of Christians. When Phillip August in the twelfth century, expelled them from France, they possessed one third of the land and had hoarded to such extent the money of the kingdom, that when they left, money was hardly found.

They exterminate Christians

Let’s get now to the fourth accusation, that when they can, they take the life of Christians. Saint Justin says so already in his own time, and we have seen how the Talmud authorizes them to practice this action agreeable to God, and history proves it throughout the entire period of Christian humankind.

Let us prescind of whether the Jews martyr innocent Christians with the purpose of removing their blood, to use it in certain rites, which has given rise to the debated question about ritual crime. But be it with the purpose of ritual crime or simply the satanic hatred they have of Christ, what´s certain is that there has not been a single epoch, even in Modern history, in which they have not taken the life of Christians, especially of innocent children. There are more than one hundred cases perfectly recorded, some as well known as Saint William of Norwich, a twelve year old child shamefully martyred by Jews in 1144.

Saint Richard of Paris, murdered on Easter Day in 1179, Saint Dominguito del Val, crucified in Saragossa in year 1250. Blessed Henry of Munich, who was bled and wounded with over sixty blows in year 1345. Blessed Simon, martyred in Trent in year 1475.

More recently, Father Thomas of Calangiano, martyred with his servant in Damascus in year 1840. Famous case this, in which the assassins confessed their crime and were sentenced to death by Chérif-Pachá, governor general of Syria; but universal Jewry intervened in favor of the culprits, influencing Mehemet-Ali to revoke the sentence of the governor of Syria. Crémieux, a Jew, vice president of the Jewish Consistory in France, did not delay to take up the defense of the culprits, and in a letter appearing in the Journal des Debáts of April 7, 1840, doubted not to attribute this odious matter to the influence of the Christians in the East. The Jews of every country stirred up in favor of the ‘saints and martyrs’, that is, of the assassins of Damascus.... Immense sums of money were offered to the employees of the consulates and to witnesses ... to obtain the commutation of the sentence and to omit the insertion of the event and of the explanation given by Rabbi Mouza-Abu-el-afich in the Oral processes of traditions in Jewish books. The fact is that Mehemet-Ali, in view of the immense Jewish population which, through Montefiore and Crémieux, claimed in favor of the assassins, decreed their liberty.

This tactic fits perfectly in the customary norms of these children of lies and hypocrisy, who, when convicted of a crime, declare themselves victims of the arbitrariness of Christians.

The four chapters of accusations can be perfectly documented throughout every period in history and in every land on earth where the Jewish caste coexists with Christians. History proves with uniform events recorded at different times and in different places, that the Jews are a permanent danger, a religious and social danger for the Christian nations.

Do not say: it occurred this way in the Middle Ages, a time that lived on prejudices. The preceding chapter demonstrated that this struggle is a law of history. Conditions and fighting methods may vary, but at bottom, today as during the Middle Ages and in the Apostolic Era and in the Time of Jesus Christ, the struggle is presented irreductible and divisive between Christians and Jews.

The desire of the Jews to destroy the Christian States and Christianity and appropriating the possessions of the Christians, as well as to take their lives, is now as firm as it was in former times… the only difference is that they then could not accomplish these aims but only directly against people which were prepared against that, and which generally made them pay dear for their criminal wishes.

Now, in contrast, when the peoples have been de-christianized and infected with the scourge of liberalism, the Jews take away the property of Christians, exterminate their lives and conspire against the states… making use of the Christians themselves, whom they have desensitized by means of a progressive de-christianization lasting 300 years already; and in that way, they have accomplished the division of Christians in opposing factions who fight against each other to total extermination. But with this we will deal in the following chapter.

Popes’ judgments concerning the Jews

The Church never neglected recognizing, in the voice of its most illustrious Pontiffs, all the meanness and menace of this people. There are at least fifteen public documents by Popes such as Innocence IV, Gregory X, John XXII, Julius III, Paul IV, Pius IV, in which the well known Judaic perfidy is denounced. And Let us take into account that these illustrious men did not proceed by base impulses, since they gave hospitality to Jews and defended them from unjust vexation, as Rabbis, gathered in Paris in the Sanhedrin convoked by Napoleon in 1807, recognized in public documents, text of which we have reproduced in the preceding chapter.

Let’s see the words with which the great Pope Saint Pius V describes this Jewish caste:

The Hebrew people, ‒ he says ‒ chosen in other times by our Lord to be participant of the heavenly mysteries, for having received the divine oracles, the higher they were raised in dignity and grace over all the others, the more they were downcast and humiliated because of their incredulity when the fullness of times had come, they were condemned as perfidious and ungrateful after having taken the life of their Redeemer. Because having lost the priesthood, having the authority of the law been removed from them, having been exiled from their own land which the Good Lord had prepared for them, where milk and honey would flow, have been wandering about the face of earth since centuries ago, hated and made the object of insults and scorn by everyone, forced to take up any dirty and vile work with which they can sate their hunger. Christian piety, having pitied this irremediable fall, has allowed them to find hospitality in the midst of Christian peoples… However, the impiety of the Jews, initiated in all of the most perverse arts, reaches such a level, that it is necessary to put quick remedy to the force of evil if the common salvation of the Christians is to be looked after. Because, not to name the many ways of usury with which the Jews take away the means from poor Christians, we believe it is too evident that  they are the accomplices, protectors, of thieves and pickpockets, that, in order to prevent the identification of the profane and religious things that these steal, they either take them somewhere else, or transform them entirely; many also, with the pretext of matters of their own business, wander around the homes of honest women and make many fall into shameful larceny; and what is worst of all, being given to spells, magic charms, superstitions and curses, they make many gullible or ill individuals who believe they can prophesy future events, reveal occult things and make known many things that no mortal has the power of investigating, many  fall into the devil´s net. Lastly, we have perfect knowledge of no matter how unworthily this perverse race may tolerate the name of Christ, how dangerous it is for all who carry this name, and with what forms of deception they seek to place snares against their lives. In view of these and other most grave things, and moved by the gravity of the crimes that increase every day to the discontent of our cities, and considering also that, with the exception of some provisions that they bring from the Orient,  for nothing do they serve our Republic…

But Catholic Theology never ceased recognizing that, though this perilousness was quite real, this people nevertheless merited a very special consideration. Indeed, the Jews could be quite perverse, but it is a sacred people, for which the Church ought to have full consideration, since in a certain way, this people is the father of the Church, because from it, God’s oracles were made. Now, no matter how perverse and dangerous a father may be, the sons owe him shelter and respect. He must not be exterminated, nor mistreated, even though a way to make his perversity innocuous must be sought.

In accordance with this principle, the great Pontiff Innocence III has summarized the doctrine and jurisprudence with respect to the Jews:

“They are ‒ the wise Pontiff says ‒ the living witnesses of the true faith. The Christian should not exterminate them or oppress them, so that he does not lose the knowledge of the Law. Just as they in their Synagogues ought not go beyond what their law allows them,neither should we harass them in the privileges they have been accorded. Even though they prefer to persist in the hardening of their hearts rather than trying to understand the oracles of the Prophets and the secrets of the Law and to attain the knowledge of Christ, they nevertheless do not for that reason have a lesser right to our protection. So, they demand our succor, we accept their claim and and we take them under the auspices of our protection, carried by the docility of Christian piety; and following the steps of our predecessors of happy memory, Calixtus, Eugene, Alexander, Clement and Celestine, we prohibit whomever he may be, to compel any Jew to baptism. No Christian should allow himself to do him any injury, deprive him of his possessions or have him change his customs without lawful trial. No one should disturb him on his feast days, be it by beating them, be it by stoning them; no one should impose on them work that they can perform on other days. Moreover, for us to oppose the perversity and covetousness of men, with all our strength we prohibit whomever he may be to violate their cemeteries and exhume their corpses to take money away from them. Those who contravene these provisions shall be excommunicated.

Here is, in these wise words, recognition of the rights of consideration and respect the Jews have the right to receive from Christians. Anti-semites take note of these prescriptions so as to go beyond what is just in any repressive action against the Jewish danger. Above all, do not forget that antisemitism is something condemned, because it is the persecution of the Jew without considering the sacred character of this Blessed Race and its consequent rights.

The Ghetto

But if the Jews are to be respected in their exercise of their legitimate rights, their dangerousness should not be ignored nor the repression of them be restrained. So, the Holy See, with energy, put into force the discipline of the ghetto; that is, the isolation of the Jews and the restriction of their civil rights.

Ferraris, a Dominican, summarized the legislation on the ghetto when he wrote: “All Jews shall reside in one place; and if this one should result insufficient, in two or three or the number that may be necessary, contiguous with one another, which should have only one gate to enter and leave.”

The Jews were not allowed to reside outside the ghettos, and could not leave their confines from the moment of the call for Hail Mary in the evening, to sunrise the next day.

Three very important advantages derived from this regime (Constant, Les Juifs devant L’Eglise):

  1. The State constantly had information on the number and identity of the Jews, which facilitated keeping watch of them.

  2. Being conscious of this watch kept the Jew within the bounds of proper behavior, since the Jew is ruled by fear, according to what Saint Paul says of them when he says they have received the spirit of servitude in fear.

  3. Considering that the night is an accomplice of the malfeasant ‒ Qui male agit odit lucem (he who does evil hates the light) ‒ the perversities of the Jews would be prevented during the night.

Besides the reclusion in Ghettos, the Jews were required to subject themselves to the obligation of wearing a yellow badge when outside the ghetto, to be distinguished from non-jews, so that in this way, perfectly individualized, they could do no harm but only to the foolish Christians who had established relations with them.

And someone could say: And do not these odious distinctions run against the just liberty and the legitimate rights to which every man and every human collectivity is entitled?

No! In no way when this man or this human collectivity refuses to be assimilated into the nation that gives them shelter; in no way when this collectivity wishes to rule itself by its own laws and conspire against the nation that gives it shelter. And this is the case of the Jew, as Catholic theology shows, as demanded by the precepts of the Talmud, and as the history of the Jews itself proves to have been at all times and places. 

Saint Thomas Aquinas himself, asked by the Duchess of Brabant whether it was convenient that the Jews in her province be compelled to carry a distinctive sign to distinguish them from the Christians responded: The answer to this is easy, and it is in accordance with what was in the General Council (Fourth Lateran, year 1215, c.68), that the Jews of either sex in any Christian territory should distinguish themselves in their attire from the rest of the people. This is mandated to them in their law, namely that trims should be placed on the four angles of their mantles to distinguish themseñves from the rest.

Civil restrictions

Besides the obligation to confine themselves in the ghettos, there were other restrictions which limited the civil rights of the Jews in Christian societies.

So, for example, they were not allowed to have Christian nursemaids nor servants of either sex; they could not engage in the trade of any new merchandise; they were particularly banned from working the silk of any kind, type or sort, and from the direct purchase of silk, from the purchase or sale, even indirectly, of new silk, whether woven or not; they were circumscribed to the purchase and sale of used clothing and to a defined and limited commerce of the food needed for life. (Benedict XIII, Alias emanarunt)

They were forbidden from occupying chairs in universities, they could not be promoted to doctorates nor practice medicine with Christians, nor be pharmacists, innkeepers, teachers, nor follow a military career. They were permitted, instead, the trades of bankers, suppliers to kingdoms, jewelers, printers, brokers; professions all which did not imply a direct threat to Christians and in which they manifested unique abilities, whether due to the immense riches they owned or because of their cosmopolitanism, which allowed them the quick displacement of wealth.

The wisdom of the Church in these decrees limiting the commercial activities of the Jews is admirably recognized in the complaint made by the merchants and shopkeepers in Paris in 1760 when, by influence of the masonic lodges, the suppression of these admirable restrictive laws of the Christian city was attempted. It reads: “The admission of this kind of men in a political society cannot be other than extremely dangerous; they can be compared to wasps which do not get inside the hives but to kill the bees, open their bellies and extract the honey they carry in their stomach. Similarly it is with the Jews, in whom it is impossible to assume that the traits of a citizen in a political society can exist.

None of this kind of man has been educated in the principles of a legitimate authority. They think any authority is an usurpation over them and they vow to attain a universal empire; they see all property as if it belonged to them, and the subjects of all States as if they had snatched their possessions from the Jews.

The document then talks about the quick accumulation of riches the Jews achieve and asks: Can perchance it be on account of a supernatural capacity, that they so quickly reach such a level of fortune?

The Jews ‒ it answers ‒ cannot glory themselves of having given any advantage to the different countries where they have been tolerated. New inventions, useful discoveries, arduous and dedicated labor, manufactures, armaments, agriculture; none of this enters into their system. But they take advantage of the discoveries to alter production with them, to alter metals, to practice all kinds of usury, to hide stolen objects, to buy from any hand, even from assassins or from servants, to introduce forbidden or defective merchandise, to offer credit to spendthrifts or to unfortunate debtors, accelerating their bankruptcy; discounting, money changing, bartering, selling; this is their entire industry.

To allow a single jew a store in a city would be tantamount to allowing him to trade in the entire nation; it would be tantamount to opposing each storekeeper to the forces of an entire nation, which would not stop him from employing these forces to oppress the trade in each store, one after the other, and consequently those of the entire city.

And it concludes:

The Jews are not cosmopolitan, they are not citizens in any corner of the universe; they prefer themselves over all of mankind, they are its secret enemies, since they intend to subject them one day as slaves.

Thus the petition of the Paris storekeepers, which maintains all of its actuality.

Discipline of the Church

The discipline of the Church with respect to the Jews can be summarized in two words: liberty for the Jews to develop themselves and live within their legitimate laws; protection for the Christians, so that they do not suffer the effects of the Jewish trickery and do not fall under their domination.

That the Jews do not permit poor Christians to call them masters, prescribes Paul IV (Cum nimis absurdum, July 1555).

That the Jews not even dare to judge, eat, or maintain familiarity with Christians, orders the same Pontiff.

The Church does not conceive that the Jews, children of Hagar the slave, can be on an equal foot with the heirs of Isaac in the Divine promises, and much less to dominate over them.

Hence, if the Church at all times, including modern times in the words of Holy Father Pius XI, makes its voice heard in protest for the persecutions against the children of this perfidious people, for the unjust yearning to exterminate them, it is also she the one who checks with efficacious measures the dangerous dominating instinct harbored in the Jew, and also she the one who admonishes Christians not to get close to the Jews and not to establish any kind of relationships with them.

Wisdom of the Church

Admirable wisdom of the Church, who has known how to penetrate deeply the heart of the Jews and of the Christians, to discover in the former the hidden but profound desire for world domination, and in the latter the sinful simplicity of approaching the Jews to obtain some advantages for their golden arks.

Because the enslavement of the Chistians, of the Christian peoples under Jewish power, has begun for the fault of the Christians. The Jews, with their proudful desire for domination, do nothing other than complying with their duty. It is for this reason that they live among Christian nations: to dominate them if they can. That is their theological role; i.e. the mission that God has provided to their perfidy.

Christians want not to be victims of this perfidy? Cease frequenting the Jews; do not succumb to vices, and in this way they will not need to turn to Jewish lenders; do not patronize Jewish movies, nor Jewish dressmakers, nor Jewish theatres, nor Jewish magazines, and this way you shall not have to endure a Jewish boss in the factory, in the office, in banks, in stores, his domination over the wealth of the nation, over wheat, over corn, over linen, over milk, over wine, over sugar, over petroleum, over financial instruments and shares of all major enterprises, over money regulation, over gold, and perhaps also over politics, over the economy, because the Jewish press and the judaized universities, schools, bibliography, have formed the mentality of our people; you will not have to endure tomorrow the deadly action of the Jews on the liberal society inherited to us by the French Revolution, nor the Jewish socializing action in the socialist nations nor the Jewish enslavement in Communism.

In the next chapter we will study how the judaization of Christian peoples marches in lockstep with their dechristianization, and how, if God’s mercy does not decree differently, we are not far from the day when we Christians will be the pariahs that, with our sweat shall be working for the accumulation of the riches of this wicked race.

What we said in the preceding chapter is very important, and it is worth repeating here, that if the gentile peoples, which means also us, wish to have a civilization based on economic greatness, as was, for example, the ancient civilization of the Pharaohs in the times of Joseph, or of Babylon in the times of Ahasuerus, or in modern times, in the capitalist or communist civilizations; in other words, a regime of carnal greatness, of growth of all economic values, a regime in which the entire nation, marvellously equipped with the latest inventions of technology, be developed with the precision of a clock, to produce all that men may need for a comfortable life here below, I say yes, that, we can accomplish, as it has been accomplished in other civilizations … but the Jews being the masters and us being their slaves.

After Christ came to the world, no longer is it possible to build a civilization of carnal greatness where Mammon, the god of riches, predominates, without the Jews being its creators and the gentiles being their operators. This is because they have been given the hegemony over the carnal, as we have explained in the preceding chapter. And the next chapter will verse on the Jews and the dechristianized peoples, which shall make us see that the process of destruction of the Christian order, that is, of a spiritual type of civilization, runs in lockstep with the formation of a civilization of a carnal type, materialistic, with predominance of the economic, and one and the other process run also parallel with the emancipation of the Jews, who are taking revenge for the alleged medieval aggressions, and this in turn runs parallel with the enslavement of the Christian peoples.

 Ah! It is that the word of God is not trampled with. Theology rules history with a precision immensely more admirable than what common eyes believe, which cannot see more than antagonist forces that senselessly fight one another. No, history has a meaning, and this is the theological meaning, because God knows how to take advantage of all the good deeds and all the transgressions of men, so that His unfathomable designs be fulfilled.

To Christian nations that have developed under the loving care of the Church during the Middle Ages, God has put two enemies, one of them internal, which is the instinct of rebellion against the spiritual to accomplish a greatness without God; and the other are the Jews, who were to live next to the Christian peoples to serve them as prod and stimulus.

Christendom, under the rule of holy Pontiffs and kings, such as Innocence III and Louis IX of France, knew how to restrain these enemies.

It would refrain the carnal instincts of greatness because it was united to the word of Christ who had said: ”Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and everything else shall be given to you in addition”. It would reject the Jewish trickery because, with great theological sense, saw in them the domination of the carnal, with the consequent danger to the spiritual, and knew how to repress it with the energetic isolation of this perfidious, albeit sacred, race.

Christendom carried out a spiritual civilization and culture in liberty, where it was mandatory that the Jews live under Christian domination.

But the modern age is begun with the rebellion of the carnal instincts of the Renaissance and of the Protestant Reformation, and by a theological requirement stronger than men’s calculations, the emancipation of the Jews, to whom God gave the monopoly of the carnal, is to begin in a like manner; emancipation that is to be growing as a civilization of carnal greatness progresses; emancipation that is to turn necessarily into in the effective domination of the Jew, which is accomplished in Capitalism, and with even more efficacy is accomplished in Communism, as I shall demonstrate, God willing, in the next chapter.

This is why I do not blame the Jews for the evils that happen to us. They comply with their duty in performing the perfidious program that in the Divine designs they are called to carry out. It is the Christians who have to be blamed, the Christian peoples that have not responded to the admirable vocation to which God called them, and for the ambition of becoming great in what is carnal, have labored in alliance with the Jews; greatness which is to end up in rivers of Christian blood as it ended up being in Russia, in Spain, and all over the world, because not in vain the Eternal Word has said. ”Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and everything else shall be given to you in addition” (Mt. 6, 24-33)

(to be continued)

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