martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

The Jew - Chapter III

The Jew in the Mystery of History 


By Father Julio Meinvielle

Go back to Chapter II

Translated fim the Spanish by Roberto Hope

Chapter III

The Jew and the dechristianized peoples

In the first chapter we have expounded on the Theological law that rules peoples since the advent of Christ Our Lord. There is, we said, by an inscrutable decree of God, an irreconcilable opposition between the Church and the Synagogue, between Jews and Christians, an opposition that irremediably is to perpetuate itself until the Time of Reconciliation comes, Jews and Christians are to come across everywhere without reconciling with each other and without blending together. They represent in history the eternal struggle of Lucifer against God, of the serpent against the woman, of the darkness against the light, of the flesh against the spirit. The eternal struggle of Cain against Abel, of Ismael against Isaac, of Esau against Jacob, of the Pharaoh against Moses, of the Jews against Christ.

So fundamental is this opposition that, after Christ, not but two ways are possible: christianization or judaization, just as in all manifestations of life only two ways are truly fundamental: the Christian and the Jewish; two religions: the Christian and the Jewish; two politics: the Christian and the Jewish; two economies: the Christian and the Jewish; two internationalisms: the Christian and the Jewish.

We have seen how the Church kept this fact about the ‘perilousness’ of the Jew always present, and how it took precautions, sometimes painful, to prevent contamination among the Christian peoples.

The Jews, confined in their ghettos under the watching eye of the State, could develop in parallel with the Christians, but without mixing with them, to prevent contamination.

As long as this contamination of the Christian peoples was avoided, the Christian peoples had nothing to fear from the Jewish perilousness. The Jew was the servant of the Christian, as it fits for the son of the slave to be at the service of the son of the free.

But what was the best defense of Christianity against the Jewish danger? Perchance the police regulations?

No, Jesus Christ, Truth and Salvation of man, was the guarantee and security of the Christian, and He had taught:

  • Seek first the Kingdom of God and all the rest will be given to you in addition (Mt. 6).

  • Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear first those who can toss the body and soul into Hell (Mt. 20).

  • Be in good spirits. It is me; do not fear (Mt. 14)

But, woe to the Christian peoples if a day comes when they forget that their salvation is in Christ!

Woe to Erurope, if a day comes when it tries to break the most gentle ties that unite her with the Holy Church of God!

Because then they will have to fall under the opprobrious slavery of the devil and of his minion on earth, the Jew… Then Europe and America, the gentile peoples who experienced the blessings of the faith, will have to experience the opprobrium of their judaization.

The dechristianization of the world

It happens that at the end of the Middle Ages the Christian peoples commit great, enormous, fearful sins… The clergy, above all, who should have been the salt of the earth, become corrupted and murky.

This is extremely grave for the salvation of the peoples: because if they begin dechristianizing themselves,  they will have to start getting judaized. Such is the theological law. This is also the proof, point by point, in history.  Events keep telling us that the dechristianization process, begun with the Humanism of the Renaissance and of the French Revolution, and which culminates in our day with the Soviet Revolution, is a typical process of judaization of the world; that is, the  judaic plans for absolute global domination over Christians start becoming fulfilled.

That these plans exist, not the least doubt can there be to those who have followed the two preceding chapters. It is required by the irreductible opposition of Ismael and Isaac, of Esau and Jacob, of Cain and Abel, which God has decreed on the world. It is required by the Talmud, which is the civil and religious code of the Jews. History proves this in all times and places.

It shows, besides, that in the renaissance as well as in the Protestant Reformation, in the pedantic Encyclopedism of the eighteenth century, in the French Revolution, in capitalism, the contamination of the peoples with liberalism and socialism, communism, the Soviet Revolution, have been forged in great measure by the Jews and certainly have been to the benefit of Jews in detriment of the Christian peoples.

In other words, from the Renaissance all the way to communism, a uniform process of dechristianization of the peoples and of their submission to the Jews has been unfolding. From servants that they were during the middle ages, they have passed to be the masters and kings. And this process is in a large measure the work of the Jews.

I believe, to intelligent readers it is not necessary to clarify that attributing a leading role to the Jew in the process of dechristianization of the modern world is not trying to make of him an evil god with supernatural powers to plot revolutions and catastrophes,

Every historical process takes place in a  complicated agitation of the most diverse forces, many of which are freely determined; so that it is necessary to take into account all of these interests which intersect, to fully explain the historical realities that are engendered in the course of history. But irrespective of this being true, there is no doubt that we can focus our attention exclusively on the action and influence of the Jews, to see in what direction they proceed and with what intensity and reach, within the possibilities for action, to create and give birth to the great events that have been produced in history from the Renaissance to our days. And my thesis is that within the possibilities of acting, the jews are the first and principal cause (shall we say, the brain that thinks and the hand that leads, in the words of Msgnr. Jouin) of the major antichristian events that can be traced from the Renaissance to communism.

The Jew, the theological agent of iniquity as I demonstrated in the first chapter, has been fulfilling with indefectible tenacity this demolishing task of destroying Christianity.

Renaissance and Reformation

This having been assumed, let us expose the proposed thesis.

Is it possible to believe that the Jews in the Middle Ages, with their most cunning intelligence to conspire, with their hearts fuming with hatred toward a society that rejected them, would have remained idle in the seclusion of their ghettos?

Jew Darmsteter (Coup d'œil sur l'histoire du peuple juif) says: “The Jew devotes himself to discover the vulnerable points in the Church and, to discover them, has at his service, aside from his knowledge of the holy books, the terrible sagacity of the oppressed. He is the doctor of the incredulous; all those that have rebelled in their spirit come to him, in the shadows or in the open. He is at work at the immense blasphemous shop of the great emperor Frederick and of the princes of Suabia and of Aragon; it is he who forges the entire criminal arsenal of reasoning and irony that he will hand down to the skeptics of the Renaissance, to the libertines of the great century; and the sarcasm of Voltaire is nothing more than the latest and resonating echo of a word whispered six centuries before in the shadows of the ghetto, and even before in the times of Celsus and Origen, in the cradle itself of the religion of Christ.”

 And it is another Jew, Bernard Lazare, who says that (L’Antisemitisme, I, 222) during the years leading to the Reformation the Jew gets to become the learned men´s mentor and teacher of Hebrew, he introduces them to the Kabbalah after having opened the doors to Arab philosophy: he equips them against catholicism with the terrible exegesis that the rabbis had cultivated and fortified over the centuries; this exegesis is what would serve Protestantism first and Rationalism later.

There is no doubt (even when it may be not easy to present the precise documentary proofs), that all sects and secret, occultist and Kabbalist societies pululate everywhere during the Middle Ages in a more or less disguised form, some of them under the appearance of the celebrated Italian Academies of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; others, like the mysterious Order of the Templars, extinguished by Phillip the Fair and Clement V, were redoubts of conspiration against the Church and the Christian States, deftly manipulated by the satanic Jewish hand.

A freemason, H. Ludwig Keller, intimate counsellor of the Berlin Archives, has made use of the documents that were entrusted to him to delve deeply into this question (Les Academies Italiennes au XVIII siècle et les commencements de la Franc Maçonnerie dans les pays latins et les pays du Nord), and comes to the conclusion that those of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Companies of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries like the “Truelle” of Florence, the philharmonic societies like the Apolon of London, were humanist and have maintained, consequently, the Jewish and pagan character of the Renaissance (See Msgnr. Jouin, La Judéo-Maçonnerie et l’Eglise Catholique).

On the other hand, Werner Sombart, the authoritative historian of capitalism, who is not a Catholic nor an antisemite, in his well documented book “The Jews and Economic Life”, demonstrates how some protestant sects, especially Puritanism (Les juifs et la Vie Économique, page 321), are Judaic, so that what Heinrich Heine, a Jew, sensed can be justified: Are not the Scottish Protestants ‒ he asks in his ‘Confessions’ ‒ Hebrews with biblical names, does their chant not have something of a hierosolymitan phariseeism, and is not their religion at bottom Judaism with the difference that they are authorized to eat pork?

On the other hand, the intimate relationships that during the Protestant Reformation were established between Judaism and certain Christian sects are well known, as well as the rage then manifested for the Hebrew language and studies; it is also known that in England, in the seventeenth century, the Puritans surrounded the Jews with an almost fanatic cult, and that the Levellers, who called themselves Jews, demanded that the Torah of the Jews become the English Code; it is known, moreover, that Cromwell officials, himself a great Judaizer, proposed him to form his State Council of 70 members, following the Sanhedrin of the Jews, and in year 1629, replacing the Sunday holiday for Saturday was proposed in Parliament.

The Jews introduce themselves in Christendom

But whatever the influence of the Jews in the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation may have been, what is certain, quite certain, is that the Jews benefited from one and the other. The Jew Bernard Nazare has been able to say (L’Antisemitisme, I, 225) that the Jewish spirit triumphed with Protestantism.

The Renaissance and Protestantism open a hole in the solid edifice of Christendom, through which the Jew sneaks in; from the inside he will make use of his secular perseverance and tenacity with his cunning and hypocrisy, to accomplish his also secular dream of destroying Christianity and establishing a global Judaic empire.

Let us not forget that this is the dream of Judaism; this is the law of its destiny.

This people, that one day rejected Christ because it did not want to enthrone the Jewish flesh, has not lost the hope of some other Messiah to come that, as expressed in the Talmud give the Jews the scepter of the world so that all peoples and all kingdoms become subjected to them. Then every Jew will have 2,800 servants and 310 worlds (Jalgut, fol 56. Bachal, fol. 168). The coming of this Messiah will be preceded by a great war in which two thirds of the peoples shall perish, so the Jews will require seven years to destroy the conquered arms (Abardanel, Masmia Jesua, fol. 4-9, a).

Celebrated rabbi Maimonides also believes in the universal empire of the Jews, who says that when it becomes enthroned, the teeth of the ancient enemies of Israel will grow out of their mouths and reach a length of 22 yards (Othloth of Rabbi Agiba, 5, 3) and that then the Messiah will receive the gifts of all peoples and will not refuse but those of the Christians (Tract Pesachim, fol 118 b)

Drach, the well known rabbi converse, of whom the preceding chapter makes reference, says that the Messiah whom the Jews obstinately await in spite of his obstinate refusal to come, must be a great conqueror that will make all nations on earth slaves to the Jews, these will return triumphant to the Holy Land, loaded with the riches of all the infidels. Jerusalem will be adorned with a new Temple and its smallest stones will be diamonds (De l´harmonie entre l’Eglise et la Synagogue).

The Jews and Freemasonry

Now then, with this illusion the Jews introduce themselves in Christendom, half secretly. In the ghettos they have prepared the instruments for the demolishing task that they can now undertake within Christendom itself.

What are they to do now? They have to set going rebellious ideas in the Christian world to pierce that armor of medieval society, so strongly coalesced, and above all to finish those two mainstays of Christian society: the altar and the king. To that end, they have prepared a magnificent formula that is going to dazzle and subjugate the crowds in a society which in a certain way is disturbed and turbulent by faults of that throne and of that altar, who forget that the Kingdom of God, all greatness is a greatness of service, because the Pope and the King, who are above all to serve all, have carnalized their power.

A three-word formula is to get the world mad: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

But how to launch them to the world so that they acquire substance in the flesh of Christians, especially knowing that exhibiting their Jewish sign would suffice for  them to be rejected? 

Very simple to this race, which is conniving by nature. It will make them germinate and acclimatize in secret conventicles where all the ambitious people of a decomposing society will group together.

And in this way, those turbulent and embittered by the spirit of rebellion, with their brain raving with conceptions and ideas of world transformation, cloaked by aristocrats no less ambitious, will unite in the secret lodges of Freemasonry.

In these sinister sects, under the appearance of inoffensive judaic rites and formulas, with the pretext of “working for the material and moral, in the social and intellectual perfection of humankind” (E. Plantagenet, Le Franc-Maçonnerie Française), all that the Catholic Church had done around the world is sought to be destroyed (A, Preuss, Etudes sur la F. M. Americaine).

Do not believe that the problem of Freemasonry is a ghost waved to explain what is nothing more than the product of natural forces. It suffices to say that there are abundant and solid proofs of the mortiferous action of these corrupting sects.

These are mainly seized masonic documents, such as those of the ‘Bavarian Illuminism’ fallen in the hands of the police in 1785, and which Abbé Barruel used to write his Memoires pour servir a l’histoire du Jacobinisme in 1798; those of the ‘Alta Vendita Romana’ which came into possession by the Vatican in 1845, which Crétineau Joly discussed in his book L'Eglise Roman en face de la Révolution; more recently, those of the Masonic Archives of Budapest, seized in 1919 at the fall of Bela Kun in Hungary.

But even, without resorting to those documents, it suffices to pick up the insolent and cynical assertions of the freemasons themselves, who in our days feel proud of their perverse achievements.

The words with which freemason Bonnet summarized the masonic triumphs in the Masonic Congress of the Grand Orient of France are very illuminating.

In the eighteenth century ‒ he says ‒ the glorious generation of the encyclopedists found in our temples an enthusiastic audience which then alone invoked the radiant emblem, unknown by the populace: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. The seed germinated quickly.

Our  illustrious H.H. D’Alembert, Diderot, Helvetius, Holbach, Voltaire, Condorcet, completed the work of spiritual evolution and prepared the current times.

And when the Bastille fell, freemasonry had the supreme honor of giving humankind the charter it had prepared with love.

H. Lafayette was the first one to present the project of a declaration of the natural rights of men and citizens who live in society, to form the first chapter of the Constitution with it. On August 25 1789, the Constitutional Assembly, of which more than 300 members were masons, adopted definitely, almost word for word, as extensively studied in the lodges, the text of the immortal declaration of the rights of man, In this decisive hour for civilization, French freemasonry was, with universal science and in the improvisations and initiatives of the Constituents, never ceased to contribute the reflecting results of the formulations made in their workshops.

To here, Freemason Bonnet. Other two authors, Cochin and Charpentier, who collected the documents of the French municipal and national archives, have been able to write that from 1787 through 1795 there has not been a single popular movement, other than the one of la Vendée, that has not been directed and organized in their most minimal details by the bosses of a secret organization, making their orders to be carried out upon command.

And who created and who commanded the multitude of lodges that infested the French soil?

The Jew Isaac Wise gives us the answer in ‘The Israelite’ of August 3 and 17, 1855: Masonry ‒ he says ‒ is a Jewish institution, of which its history, regulations, duties, explanations, and slogans are Jewish from beginning to end, with the exception of some secondary rule or word in the oath.

And from the numerous documents seized in the Masonic Archives of  Budapest in 1919 (La FrancMaçonnerie en Hongrie, Preface by Charles Wolf, Budapest, 1921) it appears clearly that masonry is an eminently Jewish creation. So, for example, the book containing the Constitution of the Great Symbolic Lodge of Hungary, printed in Budapest in 1905, is dated in year 5886 of the Jewish era. The text of the votes cast by the members are in the Hebrew language. The slogans, which change every six months or every year, are equally in Hebrew. The list published at the end of the book shows us that 92% of the members of the lodges are Jewish: they are not but names such as Abel, Bloch, Berger, Fuchs, Hertz, Levy, Pollak, Rosenthal, Schon, etc., or else Magiarized Jewish names such as Kun, Kadar, etc. (See Msgr Jouin, La Judéo-Maçonnerie et L’Eglise Catholique).

The assertion by Gougenot des Mousseaux (Le juif et la judaïsation des peuples, 1869) that in the Supreme Universal (but secret) Council of Freemasonry, which is made up of nine members, five of them are to be reserved to representatives of the Jewish nation, is not so unbelievable.

The Jews and the French Revolution

Freemasonry is the creation of the Jews. The French Revolution, in turn, is a creation of freemasonry, to the exclusive benefit of the Jews.

Father Joseph Lehmann, famous French Jewish convert of the last century, has studied in a conclusive form, the entry of the Jews into French Society and into the Christian states.

Masonry’s obsequiousness ‒ he says ‒ toward Judaism was not late to manifest itself. Freemasons presented the emancipation of the Jews to the Constituent Assembly, and they took charge of making it happen. It is Mirabeau who will lend it persevering support with his eloquence, and Mirabeau is a mason of a high degree, intimate friend to Weishaupt and his adherents. And when after two years of hesitation, the Constituent Assembly, having reached its last hour and in the session before its last one still hesitates, Jacobin and freemason Duport will demand the vote without further discussion and with a threat on his lips.

Such will be ‒ says Lehmann ‒ the first concealed service made to Judaism by freemasonry. After this one, others will come. Freemasonry is definitively the formidable passageway  with the help of which the Jewish question is certain to find a way out, the somber corridor through which the children of Israel will be able to enter Society at their pleasure (Abbé Joseph Lemann. L’Entree des Israelites dans la Société Française et les Etats Chrétiens, p. 356).

The Emancipated Jews and their Plan of Conquest of the Christian World

On September 27, 1791, the Jews became fully emancipated to the face of the world. And with the Jews emancipated, the Christian social order is at the same time destroyed under the false pretext of the Rights of Man. The Jews will be able to begin at once, and in plain daylight, their labor of conquest of Christian peoples not only because they are on an equal foot with the Christian peoples but also because the antichristian laws that have been implemented are to favor their secular plans.

What will from then be the Jewish tactic to achieve their purpose of world domination? An utterly simple and utterly efficacious one:

They will appropriate the riches of all peoples. And with those riches they will corrupt the same peoples physically and morally until they get reduced to a multitude of slaves, who will have no other destiny but to work under the yoke of this wicked race and to their exclusive benefit.

We are to demonstrate three things:

  • The first one, that the Jews appropriate the riches of all peoples through capitalism

  • The second one, that through liberalism and socialism the Jews, owners of the riches of the world, poison all peoples by perverting their intelligence and corrupting their heart,

  • The third one, that through communism the Jews exterminate their opponents and subject the Christians to a yoke of slavery impossible to break apart.

The Jews and capitalism

First Proposition

With capitalism, the Jews appropriate the riches of all peoples.

What is the essence, the core of the capitalistic economic regime in operation since the French Revolution and which has brought carnal riches to modern peoples? It is the regime of financial riches as the primary engine of all economic activity. The financial power concentrated in banks propels and develops all commercial, industrial and agricultural-livestock production. Financial capital is the great factor of economic expansion. By means of credit, or loans at interest, a financial capital mobilizes enormous riches, which in turn multiply and make that same financial capital grow.

Banks grow rich quickly, not only on the loan at interest for the interest per se, but mainly for the loan itself. And they also grow richer on the interest. And under this concept, the loan is marvellous. Because we have 10,000, and within a year, without putting any effort or our preoccupation, this sum has benefited us with 600 pesos. Marvelous, because with it, money acquires a charming, a magnetic power. Money alone attracts more money. Happy those who own money in a regime where lending at interest is in place! Without the need of risking it in difficult enterprises they can make it grow. With just lending it to a borrower against some good guarantee.

Marvelous, lending at interest. However, the Jews are not allowed to lend at interest amongst themselves. They can instead lend to non-jews (Deut 23, 19). The reason for this difference is that they should treat themselves as brethren, whereas they can treat strangers as enemies. Actually, lending at interest in a regime of monetary stability gradually creates two well-defined classes: the lenders and the workers. The lenders, who necessarily keep getting richer because money grows every day with new and indefectible proliferation. The workers, who necessarily have to work for themselves and for the lenders, and as the latter keep growing their fortunes, the producers have to increase their labor until a moment comes when their work does not cover what they owe to the lenders and so they become more indebted. 

But there is another chapter through which banks grow rich very quickly, and it is because of the many lending and collecting transactions they make. That allows them, while having a relatively small fund at their disposal, to perform transactions ten times the amount. There is a true money creation at the hands of the banker. Credit is currency, and the banker, in giving credit, issues currency. What happens then in the economy?

The non-Jews cultivate the land, make the fields flourish, create powerful agricultural-livestock breeding establishments, build factories, discover and use new inventions, make real wealth spring from the earth, but nevertheless are, to a large measure, miserable debtors.

The Jews, in contrast, neither cultivate, nor invent, nor produce, and are the owners of everything

They are always seen attached to gold; always manipulating thousands of papers which may be called bills of exchange, checks, promissory notes, shares, bonds, securities, the secrets of which only they know; they will always keep the gold while they leave these papers to the rest of mortals.

And they, owners of the gold, which is the pole toward which everything converges, they, for the same reason, will be the owners of all financial activity, of all commercial activity, of all agricultural or livestock pr activity.

They, who do not grow one grain of cereal, have the monopoly of wheat, of rice, of linen, of cotton, of barley, and of all their derivatives in the entire world; they, who do not breed one sheep, own the monopoly of the ovine, bovine, porcine markets, and in general of all meat in the entire world: they, who exploit no mine, are owners of the carbon and petroleum fields; owners of gold, of silver, of tin, of iron, of copper, of electric power; they, who do not know how to manufacture but articles of miserable quality, control the most important factories in every country.

The Holy Spirit says in  Ecclesiastes 10, 19 “all things obey money”, and the Jews, after having created an economy that in its entirety runs as a function of money, with the growth and multiplication of money as its ultimate end, have known how to keep the money. And so, they have arranged to keep everything, even governments. Because the latter always need money, they are always submissive clients of the Jews.

But, could the governments not break the ties that have them bound to the Jews? Yes, they could, but it is so difficult! Because aside from many other circumstances too long to enumerate, let us note this fact only: the Jews, depending on what is convenient to them at a given moment are either national or international.

Is the purpose to establish a jewish industry or products in a country? They will strive to make them appear as national, or Argentine: And if a relatively certain sign to know the Jewish origin of a factory or product is desired, it can be found on the national or Argentine label they will exhibit.

But, when it comes to restraining them with laws or regulations limiting their financial omnipotence, they will invoke their Belgian, English or North American origin, not hesitating even to demand the governments of these countries to intervene in protection of their interests.

The international Jew has created international capitalism to hold international wealth in their hands. Werner Sombart has written a voluminous book where he documents with overwhelming abundance how the Jews have created capitalism and how this economic regime could not be explained without them (Les juifs et la vie Économique, translated from the German with the author’s authorization by Dr. S. Jankélévitch, Payot, Paris, 1923). Henry Ford, the celebrated king of the auto industry, contributes very interesting facts in ‘The International Jew’, facts mainly related with the powerful North American capitalism that demonstrate the never suspected influence of Jewish international banking. Do not say that Ford has denied what he wrote in his powerful book, because a book like his, abundantly documented, cannot be denied by means of a simple letter written under the pressure of all international Jewry against his industry. On the contrary, this victory of Jewry against a powerhouse like Ford is the best demonstration of the fantastic power of the Jews, masters or the riches of the world.

The Jews and the Demoliberal Corruption

Second Proposition

With liberalism and socialism, the Jews, owners of the riches of the world, poison all peoples perverting their intelligence and corrupting their heart.

The great beneficiary of the bourgeois liberal revolution has been the Jew. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was to turn out to be the declaration of the rights of the Jew. It cannot be demonstrated that the French Revolution, which opened the doors of society to Jews, could have been a direct accomplishment of theirs. However, they played a major role in the success of this revolution. After the studies made by Augustin Cochin (Les Sociétés de Pensée et la Révolution en Bretagne, Plon, 1920; La Révolution el la libre pensée, Plon, 1924, Les actes du gouvernement révolutionnaire, A. Picard, 1920) it has been clearly settled that Masonry was at the forefront of the Great Revolution. The prologist of the book La Franc- Maçonnerie Française et la préparation de la Révolution (Les presses Universitaires, Paris, 8e. mille), of noted mason Gaston Martin, recognizes that freemasonry, summarizing within it the French contribution of the philosophes and the English and North American contribution of the economists, in a nutshell the scientific contribution, has been in the midst of the disorder of the institutions and of the spirits, one of the masterpieces of pre-revolutionary organization and of the new order, the bourgeois order of 1789 (page xv), and adds: The book by M. Gaston Martin demonstrates this with a luminous clarity. If the Revolution was in large measure the work of freemasonry, it has to have been equally the work of the Jews, who were the most active elements in the promotion of the lodges.

But, ultimately, whether this may be more or less arguable, what is certain is that the Jews attained a preponderant influence in bourgeois liberal society. In the financial, commercial, and industrial sectors, they achieved important positions that put the managing of the riches of the nations in their hands, above all in France, and in the cultural and educational sector, they also attained total domination.

The boundless influence that the Jewish minorities were to achieve over the population would in turn cause progroms or persecutions or a state of animosity that invariably accompanies such predominance.

It is interesting to read the volumes of Simon Doubnov’s Histoire Moderne du peuple Juif, Volume I (1789-1848) and Volume II (1848-1814), Payot, Paris, to follow this alternating influence and persecutions of the Jews by the peoples throughout the nineteenth century in countries as varied as Russia, Germany, Austria, Central Europe, France, etc. The same phenomenon takes place all the time. The Jews, left in complete liberty in gentile society take over the positions of power in the economic, cultural and political fields, and submit the entire society to a great degree of corruption of the forms of thinking and acting, which in turn determines a strong reaction of public opinion against them.

But demo liberalism is just a stage in the process of dissolution of the peoples. The other stage is socialism. And here the Jews have also had a foremost performance. That socialism is Judaic can be demonstrated not only because its champions have been Jews, such as Marx, Engels, Lasalle, Kurt Eisner, Bela Kun, Trotsky, Leon Blum, but above all, as Jew Alfred Nossig makes note of (Integrales Judentum; Integral Judaism), because socialism and mosaism not only are not opposites but, on the contrary, in the fundamental ideas of both doctrines, there is a surprising conformity.

The modern socialist movement ‒ he says ‒ is for the most part work of the Jews; Jews were the ones who stamped the imprint of their brain on it; likewise, Jews were those who played a predominant role in the leadership of the first socialist republics. However, the Jewish socialist leaders were in their great majority distanced from Judaism; and despite that, the role they performed did not depend on them because in an unconscious manner the eugenic principle of mosaism worked on them, and the race of the ancient apostolic people lived in their brain and in their social temperament.

Current world socialism forms the first stadium of the fulfillment of mosaism, the principle of the realization of the future state of the world announced by the prophets.

This is why all groups of Jews, whichever they may be, whether Zionists or Diaspora adepts have a vital interest in the victory of socialism, which they should demand, not only for the sake of principle, and for its identity with mosaism, but also as a matter of tactic.

But, you will say, how is it possible for the Jew to forge both socialism and capitalism, two forces that contradict each and eliminate each other? Very simple; because they have been forged for the Christians, ad unum christianorum.

capitalism to steal away from those who have; socialism to poison those who do not have, and in that manner set forth the class struggle.

With capitalism and pauperism, with bourgeois and proletarians, with liberalism and socialism, the Jews have been able to divide the world into two equally pernicious camps. And since then, all life manifestations, cultural, charitable, occupational, religious, political, or economic, bear the sign of one or the other camp.

And Catholicism, which is the salvation of the world, that forged Cristendom, gets confined in a kind of ghetto, pushed aside difficultly in sacristies, seminaries and convents.

The people, the public, have judaized; the rich with liberalism, the poor with socialism. They all think, hate, love, and dance the judaic way. 

They all feel free, certainly. Free to be manipulated as puppets by the clever power of the children of Israel. All are free, but no one thinks but through the judaized brain of his newspaper, of his book, of his magazine.

All free, but no one hates or loves but through the judaized artist or actor of cinema. All free, but their political, economic, religious, philosophical ideas have been prepared and imposed upon by the Jews.

How true the words of a british daily (Jewish World, February 9, 1863) when it says: The great ideal of Judaism is that the entire world be imbued with the Jewish teaching and that in a universal fraternity of nations ‒ a Judaism made greater ‒ all separated races and religions disappear.

By their activity in literature and science, by their dominant passion in all branches of public activity, they are in the way of gradually emptying the non-jewish thoughts and systems into Jewish molds.

It was years ago when this was written… Today, things march quite ahead in favor of Israel.

The Jews and communism

Now things are clear for us to present our

Third proposition

That with communism, the Jews exterminate their opponents and subject the Christians to a slavery yoke impossible to break.

Because communism is typically Judaic and has been and is financed with Jewish money.

It has been proven who is he who has provided, at least as a direct agent, the gold that has favored, plotted, and financed the Soviet Revolution in Russia: Jacob Schiff, chief of the fabulous banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. died in 1920.

A. Netcholodow, in his book L’Emperor Nicholas II et les juifs has demonstrated how Jacob Schiff advanced funds to Japan for its war on Russia, how Schiff financed revolutionary propaganda among Russian prisoners held in Japan, how Schiff, on February 11, 1916 promises money to the Russian revolutionaries residing in New York, and how, according to a secret report to his government, of the High Commissioner of France in Washington, the same Schiff provides subsidies to Trotsky in the Spring of 1917 to establish communism in Russia.

Let us read a portion of this secret report, extracted from the archives of one of the major government institutions of the French Republic which was first published on September 23, 1919 in the journal “To Moscow” published in Rostov-on-Don.

It reads thus:

I.- In February 1916, it became known for the first time that a revolution was being plotted in Russia; it was discovered that the persons and businesses listed below were committed to this work of destruction:

  • Jacob Shiff, Jew.

  • Kuhn, Loeb and Co, Jewish banking house

    • Directors:

      • Jacob Schiff, Jew

      • Felix Warburg, Jew

      • Otto Kahn, Jew

      • Mortimer Schiff, Jew

      • Jerome H. Hanauer, Jew

  • Guggenheim, Jew

  • Max Breitung, Jew

There is hardly any doubt that the Russian revolution, which broke out one year after the above report was launched and promoted by clearly Jewish influences. Actually, Jacob Schiff made a public declaration in April 1917, saying that, thanks to his financial support, the Russian revolution had succeeded.

II.- In the Spring of 1917, Jacob Schiff began to ask the aid of Jew Trotsky to start the social revolution in Russia…

From Stochkolm, Jew Max Warburg also commanded Trotsky and comrades, and at the same time procured the aid of the Rhenish-Westphalian Syndicate, an important Jewish concern, just as of the Jew Olof Aschberg, of Nye Banken in Stockholm, and of Jew Jivotvsky, whose daughter married Trotsky. In this way the relationships between the Jewish multi-millionaires and the proletarian Jews were established.

III.- in October 1917, the social revolution took place in Russia, thanks to which certain soviet organizations took the leadership of the Russian people. In these soviets the following individuals stood out (then follows a list, which we omit here, of 29 Jews, plus Lenin, Russian with Jewish mother).

IV.- If we note the fact that the Jewish firm Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. is holding relationships with the Rhenish-Westphalian Syndicate, a German Jewish firm; with Lazard Freres, a Jewish banking firm in Paris; as well as with the Jewish Guenzburg banking house in Saint Petersburg, Tokyo and Paris; if in addition we note that these Jewish businesses are in close relationships with the Jewish houses of Speyer and Co. of London, New York and Frankfurt, as well as with the Nye Bank in Stockholm, we will see that the bolshevik movement as such is in a certain way, the expression of a general Jewish movement, and that certain Jewish banking houses have an interest in the organization of this movement.

The allies have achieved a marvellous victory over German militarism. From the ashes of the German autocracy, a new world autocracy emerges … it is Jewish imperialism, whose ultimate goal is to establish Jewish domination over the world.

To here, some fragments of this quite interesting document.

I believe that, the more deeply and universally the Jew is studied, the more will the conviction be reinforced that this race, which God has willed for it to live among the Christian peoples as an agent of iniquity ready to entrap, is carrying out, with unfailing deftness, its revenge against these same peoples; the slow but progressive advance of Judaism among Christian peoples is quite evident. Each step of dechristianization is a new milestone toward judaization. And communism signals the end, the completion of Jewish emancipation and the triumph of Judaism in words of a Jewish magazine (Vu, April 1932) because it has been carried out by Jews, and even more than that, because communism is the submission of a multitude of Christians to a Jewish minority.

Capitalism in the Jewish mind is nothing more than a transitory stage that should necessarily end in the egalitarian levelling that can be achieved through communism. Hence, Walther Rathenau, the magnate of German finance and industry, one of the most powerful men of the world was able to say:

The oratory formula of the Russian revolution is humankind. Its secret desire: (provisory) dictatorship of the proletariat and idealized anarchism. Its practical plan for the future, suppression of the European stratification, under the political form of socialist republics.

After over many centuries our planet has edified, accumulated, kept, preserved the material and intellectual treasures to serve the pleasure of some, now has come the century of demolitions, of destruction, of dispersion oh the return to barbarism…

Nevertheless, not only do we have to follow the path we have begun but we are willing to follow it. (Der Kaiser. Eine Betrachtung).

It is true that the bloody convulsions operated in Russia, Hungary, Bavaria, and later in Spain, all have the characteristics of a tragedy plotted and carried out by the Jews, with men as somber as Lenin, Bela Kun and Janos Kadar.

And unfortunately men of Jewish race not only have performed a role in the unfolding of the bolshevist revolution, but have been the main actors in every one of the worst crimes in this revolution. In the annals of terrorism four names emerge sinisterly: Jankel Yurovski, the monster who assassinated the eleven members of the Imperial Family in the basement of the Ipatyef House in Ekaterinburg, including the four daughters of the Zar; Moses Uritsky, the foremost chief executor of the Cheka; Bela Kun, the executioner of Budapest and Crimea; Felix Dzerzhinsky, the general executor of the Cheka. Of these four men, not one is Russian; one of the four (Dzerzhinsky) is a Pole, the other three are (internationalist) Jews. (Charles Sarolea ‘Impressions of Soviet Russia’, 1924)

The fact that communism as Marx’s revolutionary philosophy and as a praxis implemented in Russia is a creation of the Jews does not mean that they currently maintain the initiative and the power they had in the first decades of the revolution of 1917. The course of events has followed a very turbulent road, and even though Jews with Russian names still hold power, this situation has declined greatly, and particularly after 1928 when the alliance of the two blocs was split. Even when the soviet legislation imposing ten years of prison to anyone who injuriates a Jew is still in force, it can be asserted that, in general, an anti-jewish sentiment predominates in Russia. And on the other hand, even though the Jews keep on promoting communism, they would rather see it realized in forms other than the Russian kind. It is not difficult to note that, in the aspiration of the Jews, Zionist communism is beginning to replace the Russian. If God’s Providence does not decree otherwise, it would seem that the State of Israel is to head a new world communism.

The Judaic Universal Empire

And along with communism, what else do Jews want? The universal empire of their race over the tamed peoples, with Jerusalem as world capital. This is the aim of the Zionist movement, which labors for the reintegration of the Jews in Palestine, not in order for the new Judea to house the totality of the Jews, but for the creation of a Jewish center to serve as a common home, communicating the necessary impulse to the majority of Jews, who will stay in their adopted homelands. (C, Batault, Le Probleme Juif)

Then the golden dream of the Jews will become a reality. Because when the Jews become the masters of the World, with Jerusalem as its capital, then, they dream, a Messiah is to come, the great conqueror who will make all nations of the world slaves of the Jews” (Drach, Del’harmonie entre l’Eglise et la Synagogue) and which will receive the gifts of all peoples but will refuse only those of the Christians.

Mixture of Jews and Christians

What is true of these Jewish pretensions? Will they attain this universal domination? To what extent? Herein lies a difficult problem, the solution of which would demand a thorough examination. It is best to omit dealing with it here.

What indeed can be said is that all the forces of evil that have been engendering, consciously or unconsciously, since the Renaissance up to our days, Renaissance paganism, protestantism, rationalism, capitalism, liberalism, laicism, socialism, communism, all of these worked by the virus of hatred toward Christ and His Church, are mobilizing in a unified front … a compact, overwhelming front… and these forces have been devilishly commandeered by Freemasonry, and above all by Judaism. The Jews, since the Golgotha up to now, have not abandoned the idea of crucifying Christ. Now as then, they have plotted in secret their diabolic plan, which the gentiles are to execute … and are executing. The battle, then, has been established, terrible, decisive, between Judaism and Catholicism. Many say it is between Moscow and Rome. But Moscow has been nothing but the simple headquarters of Universal Judaism. The statue of Judas that has been intended to erect there is quite a symbol.

The battle is fought furiously between Ismael and Isaac, between Esau and Jacob, between Cain and Abel. The Jew, who had been a servant of the Church, has been achieving his absolute vengeance against his former master.

Will he attain it? Will Goliath defeat David?

God only knows. But ones are the plans of men and others the plans of God. And God knows how to direct the good deeds and the errors of men to carry out His inscrutable ends.

There is no doubt that the mixture of Christians and Jews that is being engendered since the Renaissance is pernicious because the chaff should not be sowed with the wheat, and this mixture has us now heading toward a catastrophic collision the outcome of which cannot be foreseen.

But if God allowed it, something good is to come out of this mixture.

And what good can God bring out of it?

In the first place, make the Chrstian nations expiate their centuries old impieties, so that they return contrite to the Lord. God did not call the barbarian peoples to the benefits of the faith for them to give themselves to the idolatries and abominations of modern times. The Christian peoples, with France, the firstborn daughter of the Church at the head, should be the heralds of the faith and of Christian love among the peoples of the East and of the West, so that the name of the Lord be known and invoked in the entire world. Instead, they have been the heralds of sin.

These offenses have to be expiated, then. And just as the Jewish people, who reneged of Christ, was delivered to the opprobrious captivity of the other peoples, so now we the gentiles will experience the opprobrium of Jewish slavery.

Let’s not forget that Christ prophesied to the Jews: Days of vengeance shall come … for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people… and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captives into all nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the gentiles until the times of the nations be fulfilled (Luke 21, 20-24)

And these words of Christ were fulfilled and are being fulfilled. In year 70, Jerusalem was besieged by the armies of Titus, the temple was put on fire, and a million one hundred thousand Jews were massacred, and other 97,000 were taken prisoners (Josephus, De Bello Judaico) and, since then, the Jew wanders errant, suffering the opprobrium and insult of all peoples, being an innocuous witness of Christ, King of the Ages.

If the Jews were punished, will the dechristianized peoples not be punished?

But punishment this, that has already begun, because Russia was yesterday, and tomorrow the entire world… punishment that would be for everyone, for Jews, for Christians, for both, because both have gone for centuries committing these atrocious impieties.

Atrocious and salutary punishment, in which Justice shall purify and Mercy shall forge apostles of holiness.

I believe, without a calling for prophesy, that it is easy to foresee that humankind is to fall, bathed in a wave of purifying blood… blood of the schismatic Russians, to expiate their twelve centuries of apostasy from Christ, who is there where Peter is; blood of the protestant heretics, to wash away the felonies of four centuries of antichristian machinations; blood of the Catholic peoples that, as vulgar whores, have shamefully prostituted themselves; and how splendid an instrument is the Jew in the hands of God to be the executor of these peoples who bartered the greatness of the Cross for the greatness of Babel! … Oh, but God can also give rise to a new Attila (if He has not already sent one) that will oppress the Jews and the dechristianized peoples, as grapes in a winepress!...

All have to be purified… and afterwards? Afterwards man of sanctity will emerge, both Jewish and Christians, men full of authentic Christianity, of that faith and of that Christian charity of which the apostles and martyrs were full… The false and lying Christianity of a hypocritical century will not be possible; only after purification shall reconciliation of Christians and Jews, of Esau and Jacob, take place. 

Philadelphia, Union of Brethren

Let us not forget that it is Catholic doctrine, of faith, taught explicitly by Saint Paul, that when the knowledge of the faith reaches all nations, the people of Israel will convert en masse and this will be a Philadelphia event; that is a union of the brethren.

In the common pain of a common punishment we, Christians and Jews alike, will understand that we are all brethren, brethren of Him who was promised to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob. He whose blood is to flow as a blessing sign in the heart of all peoples, because only in Him are blessed all lineages on earth.

If my opinion can be salutary, I shall say that the general purification of the peoples, to take place in the next catastrophic collision of the forces of evil against the few forces that still oppose resistance to them shall be an effusion of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God, which is burning fire, Ignis Ardens, will embrace the souls; through the flames of material punishments shall it penetrate in them and will make them find themselves deeply in Him who has said: Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, because if all of us men, Jews and Gentiles having become lost for the pride of our flesh, can only be saved with the humility of Christ, Who never hesitated to humble Himself even to the downheartedness on the Cross.

(To be continued) 

Go to Chapter IV 

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