miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Some "Errors" of Saint John XXIII

 Some "Errors" of Saint John XXIII

by Ángel R. Boya Balet

Taken from El Diestro-- June 9, 2023

Translated from the Spanish by Roberto Hope

I use the word 'errors' to give Saint John XXIII the benefit of the doubt and not impute the consequences of his actions to his deliberate will, but I put the word in quotation marks because I am not so sure they are not so.

Angelo Roncalli was born on November 25, 1881 and died on June 3, 1963. He was canonized by Francis I on April 27, 2014

Freemasonry and Communism

In his youth as a priest, he was considered suspicious of modernism, among other reasons because of his relationship with his seminary colleague Buonaiutti, author of the so-called 'Modernist's Program'

When he was elevated to the College of Cardinals, he insisted on receiving his cardinal biretta from the notorious anti-clerical, atheist socialist Vincent Auriol, President of the French Republic. Roncalli kneeled before Auriol and the latter placed the cardinal biretta on his head.

In Paris' socio-cultural events he was often seen amicably socializing with URSS' ambassador, M Bogomolov, despite the latter's government having resumed its brutal policy of extermination of Catholics in those countries.

Roncalli was known to be a good friend and confidant of Edouard Herriot, secretary of the radical and anti-Catholic socialists in France.

During his time as apostolic delegate in Turkey in 1940, Roncalli was initiated in the first degree of Freemasonry in Istanbul. Also there, he attained the 3rd degree. Having been transferred to Paris in 1945 with the category of nuncio, he was admitted to the fourth and subsequent degrees in the Montesquieu super lodge, whose Grand Master by happenstance was Vincent Auriol.

One of his first decisions after having become John XXIII was to boycott the punishment that, on account of disloyalty, Pius XII had imposed on the head of the Secretary of State, Giovanni Battista Montini, sending him to Milan, refusing at the same time to give him the cardinal biretta which had been customary in that archbishopric, to prevent him from reaching the pontificate. A few days after Roncalli had been elected Pope, he named Monitini a cardinal.

On August 18, 1962, an agreement between the Vatican and the Kremlin was signed in Metz whereby the latter would authorize the presence of two observers of the Russian Orthodox Church in exchange for a guarantee that no formal condemnation of communism would issue from the Council. That way the Church renounced her duty to exercise her magisterial function. 

The Clergy before the Council.

On August 5, 1806, Simonini described to Abbot Augustin Barruel a plan of Freemasonry's that one of its high dignitaries had confided to him. The abbot informed Pope Pius VI immediately, who responded he believed in its authenticity. Among other facts contained in the plan it says that over 800 members of the Italian regular and secular clergy, among whom cardinals and bishops could be found, belonged to Freemasonry. Such group expected a Pope to be one of their own in a short time. (Remember the case of Cardinal Rampolla, Secretary of State of Leo XIII, after whose death, Spanish Cardinal Merry del Val, Secretary of State of Saint Pius X, recognized that among Rampolla's papers proof was found of his being a Freemason.)

Simonini also indicated that the situation in Spain was similar to the one in Italy.

Secret instructions of the Supreme Government of the Italian Carbonari, the Alta Vendita, compiled by J. Cretineau Joly stated that "...once our reputation has been established in the colleges and seminaries, our doctrines will reach the young clergy as well as the bottom of the convents. Within a few years, this young clergy .... by force of the circumstances ... will rule, administer and judge ... it will form the Council of the Sovereign Pontiff...."

In his Motu Proprio "Sacrorum Antistitum" of  September 1, 1910, Pius X stated "... we believe that ......... a very pernicious band of men, the modernists, have not abandoned their purpose of disturbing the peace of the Church .... have not ceased to seek and obtain new adepts in a secret association, and with them inoculate the poison of their opinions in the veins of Christian society. ....

In 1938, Monsigñor Beaussart, coadjutor Archbishop of Paris, went to Rome to take to Pius XI the Masonic dossier of the French Episcopate: 17 of its members, including Cardinals Archbishops and Bishops were registered with the lodges. There were possibly more, since one of the investigators, Mr. Bouteloup, was murdered in the course of his investigation.

On his part, De Lubac, founder of the Nouvelle Theologie, the theological expression of the modernist heresy, which Saint Pius XII and Pius XII had so much fought against, recognizes in his memories that "for a praiseworthy exception, some of our teachers against whom were severe prohibitions then, allowed us to follow the thinking of the philosopher of Aix, (Maurice Blondel, inspired in modernism and inspiring agent of the Nouvelle Theologie).

The essence of modernism lies in subjectivism, immanentism and relativism; that is, in the negation of the existence of truths and norms that are valid for all times and places, negation of Christ's divinity, affirmation that all spiritual reality is created by the human mind, and the equalizing of the Catholic Church with the rest of the churches and religions, including the polytheistic ones, as alternate means of salvation.

Does the coincidence of the modernist approach with the Masonic ideology surprise anyone?

Convocation of the Council.

When Pius XI was considering the continuation of Vatican Council I, which had been interrupted by the Italian Kingdom´s conquest of the Pontifical States, he asked Cardinal Billot whether it would be opportune to resume it and received as an answer that ".... resumption of the Council is desired by the worse enemies of the Church; that is, the modernists .... who are getting ready to undertake a new revolution, a new 1789, object of their dreams and hopes."

His successor, Pius XII initially created a Commission to study the convenience of the resumption of that Council, which began its deliberations on March 15, 1948. In February 1949, Pius XII expanded it in the form of a Special Preparatory Commission, From the functioning of this commission the presence of two different, irreconcilable positions could be observed. In the face of this diversity of opinion that presaged strong disagreements among the Conciliar Fathers, Pius XII decided to cancel the project the same way as his predecessor had done.

Already in the life of Pius XII, predictions were making the rounds that Roncalli would be his successor and that he would call a Council, as described by Cardinal Suenens in his memories. During the Conclave when Roncalli was elected after his election on October 29, 1958 Cardinals Ruffini and Ottaviani visited him and reminded him of the convenience of calling a Council, as Ruffini had proposed to Pius XII earlier.

Contrary to his predecessors’ prudent stance, not even three months after having been elected, in the Capitular Hall of the Abbey of Saint Paul outside the Walls, on January 25, 1959, he informed of his decision to convoke a Council. The news stunned the Roman Curia, the world's episcopate and the world at large.

Inaugural Speech

John XXIII "cared not to define new dogmas nor make solemn any earlier condemnations but to take a step forward to improve the pastoral quality of the magisterium" ..... "In our time, Christ's Church prefers to use the medicine of mercy instead of blandishing the arms of severity." In plain language what he was suggesting, as we say in Spanish, was to "chain the dogs with linked sausages".

This is the way how, as Pope, he renounced his function of sanctioning doctrine. And this renunciation has been followed by his successors and by the Catholic Hierarchy in general, with the consequence that Catholic Doctrine has been fractured to infinite pieces, It can be said with no exaggeration, that, nowadays, each cleric has a different version of Catholic Doctrine, one differing from the other for reason of the different heresies each one disseminates.

This lack of doctrinal unity has had its effect on the implantation of gender ideology. How to reject it if there is no unit of measurement, if there is no model, if there is no standard?

The homilies

As a consequence of the suppression of Truths and Standards (morality and dogma are ignored), the notion of sin also has disappeared (sin implies the previous existence of a norm). In other words, the heresy of modernism is applied to its ultimate consequences, in that everything is subjective and variable with respect to the individuals and the times. The pastoral action is thus reduced to a syrupy exercise of subjective sensibility. The faithful are literally asked to be good, hiding the fact that being good consists in obeying God's Ten Commandments and the five commandments of our Holy Mother, the Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

So, the faithful may sin at pleasure and go to mass when they feel like it, but leave their money contributions there, which for the clergy is the only thing that counts. It can be said today that the Catholic Church's pastoral, with the inevitable exceptions, is no different from that of a Protestant pastor or of a Muslim imam.

Of the clergy´s renunciation to preach the Gospel (composed of Norms and Dogmas), it pertains to us laymen to stand up and remind the people of the Traditional Magisterium of the Church, leaving the clergy reduced to what they are, mere functionaries.

Gender Ideology.

The consequences of suppressing doctrinal censure decided by John XXIII has been the massive dissemination of gender ideology, one of the main instruments resorted to by Satan.

Gender ideology, its diffusion being financed by the "philanthropic activities" of multinational corporations, has several aspects, all of them aberrant; among others is the furthering of sexual liberty. It also includes homosexuality, abortion and euthanasia.

As J.D: Unwin demonstrated in Sex and Culture, when a civilization establishes sexual liberty, such culture disappears within three generations; that means its values, and its population degrades aspiring to nothing more than material goods and to extreme individualism, a form of animalization that facilitates their economic exploitation.

One of the manifestations of sexual liberty lies in the immorality of the way of dressing of some women, phenomenon that grows thanks to the passive collaboration of Catholic clergy, with its eloquent silence resulting from employing Saint John XXIII's "medicine of mercy"; since he who keeps quiet when he has to speak, approves.

Well known is the fact that women need to feel being attractive to men; that is, being sexually attractive (just watch the multitude of television advertisements, the purpose of which is to facilitate such desire.)

One of the forms of feeling attractive is by showing parts of their bodies, especially those proximate to the erogenous zones, suggesting them, or the erogenous zones themselves, provoking, by biological necessity, the activation of the libido and the attraction of healthy men toward them.

Some members of the clergy in their unending shamelessness affirm that the gravity of the sin is determined by the percentage of erogenous zone exhibited, ignoring that God's Sixth Commandment imposes "Thou shalt not commit impure acts." And impure is any act fostering sexuality outside of the environment for which it was foreseen by God: procreation within marriage.

This indifference of the clergy reaches the extreme of giving communion to women that clearly exhibit their breasts. Clearly does not mean entirely, They couldn't care less of the two sacrileges committed: one by the priest that gives communion and the other by the woman who receives communion in mortal sin by her immorality in dressing.

This notwithstanding, despite the clergy's indifference, the great majority of the "fair sex" respect the standards of modesty and keep their erogenous zones appropriately hidden, but the convergence of gender ideology propagated massively by the communications media financed by multinational corporations, and the consent of the clergy handing out the "medicine" proposed by Saint John XXIII, a growing minority of females now exists that show ever larger parts of  their body, especially those close to their erogenous zones (breasts and vagina) or these themselves.

We must be aware that such minority of women who exhibit their erogenous zones to "become attractive" are arousing the sexual impulse of healthy men toward them and, at the same time, they reject them because they do not permit every man who sees them to take advantage of what they see, which constitutes an aggression, and that is why they are vulgarly called, with all precision, 'cockteasers', because they suggest they are offering themselves, they arouse, but then do not give, which is frustrating

Another proof of the interest of women in attracting the attention of men, is using certain types of heels to make noise so that men look at them.

The Council

When one comments that it has been after the Council when the massive apostasy of the Catholic faithful took place, the clergy responds that all of the documents issued by the Council conform to the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church, an assertion that is rigorously false. Among many other facts that contradict such assertion, Vatican Council II affirms that the  True Catholic Church will become a reality when the unity of all the existing churches is produced, which implies that the present Catholic Church is not the True Church of Christ.

On the other hand, all those theologians who had been banned as suspect of promoting heresy, De Lubac, Danielou, Congar, Rahner, Schillebeeckx, etc, etc. came to be named official perity of the Council, matter which supposes their heretical doctrine to have become doctrine of the current Catholic Church. Incorporation of such heretical (and in some cases Freemason) theologians, proposed or approved by Saints John XXIII and Paul VI, constituted the final triumph of the modernist heresy against which all popes since the early nineteenth century had fought.

Persecution of Padre Pio

Padre Pio de la Pietrelcina, now Saint Pio, suffered incomprehension and calumnies for which he had to undergo humiliating canonical inspections. Among these was the one promoted by Saint John XXIII, considered to be the roughest persecution suffered by Padre Pio. In the documents of the cause of beatification of this Saint, one can read about the substantial opposition of Saint John XXIII against him, despite his evident sanctity and his capacity to attract a multitude of faithful around him.

Secret of Fatima

Having just been elected Pope, Saint John XXIII had access to the Third Secret of Fatima, which Sor Lucia, who had written it according to the Virgin's indications, wished for it to be published before 1960. After having read it, Saint John XXIII had it archived, commenting that it made no reference to his pontificate. This was on August 17, 1959. On September 13, 1959, Italy was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in Catania, before some 300,000 faithful coming from all of Italy. In the radio message given for such an occasion, Saint John XXIII made no mention of Fatima or of the Secret in spite of an Image of the Virgin of Fatima having arrived at that time from Portugal after having visited 150 Italian cities in a climate of extraordinary fervor.

Later, on June 26, 2000, by decision of the also Saint, John Paul II, a text said to reproduce the Third Secret was published . Text that the great majority of experts in the Secrets of Fatima affirm is a hoax, and also suggest that the Third Secret (not yet revealed) dealt with the apostasy of the High Hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Saint John XXIII´s optimism.

In 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected. In half of Europe, Catholics were being persecuted by communism, the same way as in most of Asia. In Spanish America (Cuba) the first communist colony had been installed. The rest of the subcontinent faced the same danger, just as Africa. In the rest of Europe not subjected to Moscow, the communist parties were growing in a manner seeming to be unstoppable.. 

In October 1962, with the "missile crisis", the entire Planet was on the brink of a nuclear war.

In 1961, the Ilitchev Report of the Soviet Communist Party was written, where the strategies to be followed by the Communist Movement to establish an efficacious combat against the Catholic religion and to propagate militant atheism were described.

In August 1962, in Metz, Saint John XXIII himself had to mortgage his freedom and that of the Holy Spirit 

In these circumstances, and taking into consideration what has been exposed under the heading 'The Clergy before the Council" how should we interpret that famous optimism of Saint John XXIII, with which he expected the Council to be a new Pentecost with an exponential growth in the number of faithful in the Catholic Church? Does such an optimism belong to a naive, an idiotic or a wicked person?

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