Current Politics Around the Idea of Christendom
By Father Julio Meinvielle
I am going to make kind of a potpourri on Politics and Christendom. However, it seems to me that I am going to touch a central point. To begin my talk, I am going to read what Saint Paul tells us about Christ´s Second Coming, the Parousia, and the Antichrist, in his Epistle to the Thessalonians. I read: "And we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering together unto him: That you be not easily moved from your sense, nor be terrified, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by epistle, as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things. And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying, that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."
These words of the Apostle, referring first to Christ's second coming and then also to the Anti-Christ, the iniquitous that has to come before Christ, words that are of great timeliness. And it is of great timeliness because here the Apostle says: "And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way."
That is, the Apostle teaches here that the Anti-Christ is already in action - and it was when he wrote this at that time - he is already working in the world. However, he cannot manifest itself. Why can he not manifest himself? He says: " you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way." He means to say that the Anti-Christ does not manifest itself to the world because there is an obstacle that prevents him from manifesting himself. Now, what is that obstacle that prevents the AntiChrist from manifesting himself?
To solve this question we have to go to the commentators. In the Middle Ages, all the Middle Ages commented on this obstacle that prevented the Anti-Christ from manifesting himself, and Saint Thomas, who comments on this passage of the Letter to the Thessalonians. explains what is this obstacle preventing the Anti-Christ from manifesting himself, and he teaches us that it is the Roman Empire but, at the same time, he teaches that the Roman Empire has altered, has mutated. Saint Thomas says textually "Why will the Anti-Christ come? Because nations and peoples have moved away from the Roman Empire. But how is this that, many nations, many peoples, have moved away from the Roman Empire since a long time ago and, still, the AntiChrist has not come? We must say that the Roman Empire has not ceased to exist, except that the Roman Empire has converted from a temporal into a spiritual one, as Pope Leo says in the Sermon of the Apostles, and that is why it must be said that the Roman Empire has to be understood not only as the temporal onr but the spiritual, it is namely the Catholic Faith of the Roman Church. It is therefore a convenient sign that, just as Christ came when the Roman Empire ruled all the peoples, so, on the contrary, the sign of the Anti-Christ will be the separation from the Roman Empire.
And what is the Roman Empire turned spiritual? It is Christendom, that is, all temporal power in all manifestations of life subjected to the Church, subjected to the Christian faith. Well, according to this: When will the Anti-Christ come? When the temporal order, that is, the nations in their temporal life, with temporal authority, cease to be subjected to the Church but have instead become separated from the Church, and this is precisely what is being fulfilled in the times we are living now. Christendom is entering a state of agony.
It would be necessary to follow through the entire process of Christendom. You know that the process of the death of Christendom or of the rejection of the Church from the life of nations, especially of the public authority of nations, that rejection begins during the Renaissance, in a process that passes through several stages: naturalism, liberalism, and communism. But with this peculiarity nowadays: that Christendom is practically approaching death. This is why people say today that "God has died": it is no longer that the Church has died, that Christ has died, but that God itself has died. This means the cultural death of God, and of the True God in the temporal life of nations.
So, this page of Saint Paul's and this comment by Saint Thomas, as you can see, has a prodigious actuality. At this moment in the life of nations, as I say, we have reached the end of the process. Naturalism has already disappeared, years or centuries ago, from the life of nations. If you recall, in the life of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, natural law would be respected, this meaning the idea of human nature and of the common good. But that has been left behind. The French Revolution sweeps all this away and inaugurates another process in the life of the peoples, which is the liberal age. Today, this has also been left behind. Liberalism had its splendor during the last century, the nineteenth century, it has passed already, and after year 1930 or year 1920 or year 1917, already at the beginning of this century, communism inaugurates its age; both socialism and communism. But communism is reaching the end of its life, and events are occurring that are leading the world to a total breakdown and, at this moment, we are witnessing a struggle between two world forces, two sinister, evil forces.
The first of these two forces is the Jewish world power, which in these last years has deserved the name of Synarchy, I say in these last years, but the Synarchy was projected at the end of the last century by a group of Jewish occultists that flourished around year 1890; among them Saint Yves d'Alveydre and the Papus group.
Saint Yves d'Alveydre in particular, though he has a saint name, he is no saint, of course, at least not a saint in the Christian saints' calendar; he may perhaps be a saint of the devil; that he may be. Saint Yves d'Alveydre schemed then an entire program of world politics that would be above and beyond the ideologies both of liberalism and of communism, having as its objective the total domination of nations
This politics of Saint Yves d'Alveydre was first put in practice in France, and De Gaulle's government, especially, gave it a great impetus. That is why the Synarchy is, strictly speaking, the Jewish world power, the masonic Jewish power of all times, but taking on a particular modality in Saint Yves d'Alveydre's program.
But it is practically what is called the masonic Jewish power, that is the anti-Church, what has been acting in Europe since four, five centuries ago and which in the economic order is represented by the House of Rothschild. The House of Rothschild gas dominated the Bank of England since the seventeenth century, and all of British politics, of European politics, revolve around the House of Rothschild.
Now, what is particular about these last years is that. facing this politics of the Synarchy, that is, facing this politics of the House of Rothschild or facing the Judeo-masonic politics that is dominating the world, a new force emerges which is, to put it simply, the American Right, or the Pentagon, or the American West, the one that implements and initiates a new politics in opposition to the Synarchy.
All of the international organisms, the UN, UNESCO, etc. respond to the Judeo-masonic power and play second fiddle to the politics imposed on the world by the House of Rothschild. A new politics emerges and this politics revolves around the American Right or the Pentagon, and the struggle between these two politics is highlighted especially in the dollar-gold struggle, which began some ten years ago. I must say that I am not making any evaluation, I am not saying that one set of policies is better than the other one, both of them are sinister, both are evil, but the actual fact is that at the end of the process of separation from Christendom, instead of one monolithic force fighting against Christendom, we have a force that breaks up, it willingly breaks up, either because of clashes of interests or breaks up because of designs of the Divine Providence. It is difficult to get to analyze why it breaks up. The fact is that it breaks up and in face of that Judeo-masonic force that threatened Christianity, a force emerges that opposes that other force, and it is the American Right, which strictly speaking is heading towards a Nazi state, to a Nazism.
The Jews that have in their power the domination of the Judeo-masonic force or of the Synarchy, the Jews also unfurl. A part of the Jews, the properly Zionist part. the ones who strive for establishing a Jewish state in Israel and from Israel dominate the world unfurls or, better said, mounts on, the force of the American Right. So, we have an unfurling of the political forces, that is, of the world Jewish power, on the one side the House of Rothschild, the gold, with all the financial power of the banks, and on the other side the American Right mounted on Zionism.
And now, pay attention, the American Right, not responding to the financial power, has to respond to something as important as the financial power, and that something is technology. These two forces constitute themselves as antagonist forces. Christendom and the Church are on the margin of one or the other force. And this is the current moment.
For reasons of power, the American Right unites or makes an alliance with Communist China, meaning that in the Communist camp an unfolding also takes place, and this is the moment we are at.
What can all this lead to? There are two alternatives, either one of the forces dominate completely over the other and imposes its total domination (it could be the American right because it has won the dollar-gold battle; even though the dollar is going down in Europe, the dollar has practically imposed itself in this monetary struggle.) The American power can impose itself all over the world. Or that the other force keeps harassing the American right, and war is produced. What will humanly happen we have no elements to discern. The actual fact is that we are at a moment when Christendom is about to disappear from the face of the earth; that is, this that holds the coming of the Anti-Christ is about to disappear. This that holds him is called Katechon in Greek. The obstacle that holds him is Christendom; Christendom, which is about to disappear. This is the significance of the death of Christendom. It can even be seen in the Church, the lack of authority in the Church, the disappearance of Latin, the disappearance of Roman law, of natural law. This is to say, all of the signs of total disappearance of Christendom because of the domination of those two forces or, better said, of a single force that unfolds. Why do I say that the Jewish world power has been unfolded? because behind the American Right, the masonic lodges and the occult power of the devil are acting in a particular way that has been feeding modern occultism. You know that behind German Nazism acted the Thule lodge which is acquiring great significance at the present time
Behind American Nazism, as the USA heads towards a Nazi state, the lodges are also acting enormously. What I want to say is the following, that Christendom is visibly disappearing from the planet; nevertheless, it is of utmost actuality, because all of the struggles that are materializing in the world are definitively struggles of Christendom against anti-Christendom. It is a struggle of Christ against the Anti-Christ, this on the one hand. On the other hand, although Christendom is about to disappear from the world, it has not fully disappeared, and perhaps it is the most actual of what exists in the world.
In the first place, in this corrupted world in which we are living never has so alive been the concern for the religious and this concern is visibly growing. A concern, not only for the religious but also for the irreligious. The supernatural has never been so present as it is now, be it the supernatural of Christ or the supernatural of the Anti-Christ, of the devil, meaning occultism, the cult of Satan.
The cult of Satan is practiced in all nations, is practiced in all cities, the cult of the devil, at black masses for sure, and in Buenos Aires in particular. Therefore it is a clear fact that Christendom is more present than ever.
There is another consideration that can be made, it is that of the Marian messages which have much to do with this we are talking about. The Marian messages have a surprising actuality. What can they be reduced to? That for its sins, the world will experience a catastrophe as never any other has been seen in the entire history, and after that catastrophe comes the flourishing of Christendom and great saints will emerge as have not been seen for centuries and much higher than the preceding saints. This has been announced above all by Grignion de Montfort, and later the Marian announcements and the apparitions of the Virgin, apparitions that have been produced, as you know, since the year 1830; first in Paris, then in Lourdes, then in Fatima, and as I say, all of these messages announce the flourishing of Christendom and apparently things will hasten and these events will be produced perhaps in a very short time. This highlights the actuality of Christendom.
There is a fact that is easy to prove. Today everything is rotten, the international life of peoples, the local life, the family, all levels are extremely rotten, in a state of decay that cannot be worse. In the Church, everything is rotten, from the Vatican to the last corner of Christendom, from the Vatican to the last Catholic school, which have been turned into a den of putrefaction; everything is rotten. However, in spite of everything being rotten, meaning that humanly there is no salvation because salvation cannot come from rottenness; however, the Gospel says that God is almighty to obtain children of Abraham from the stones, and in a state of prostration and of total rottenness of the world, nothing closer than the reestablishment, the restoration of Christendom.
Popes since Leo XIII or Pius IX, of whom Saint Pius X became a herald, in their letters Il fermo proposito and the one against the Christian Democrats of the Sillon, and also Pius XII have already announced it. Hence, this thing of Christendom, the reality of Christendom is in our times not too far away. And I believe that we will see it. I hope to see the restoration of Christendom, the idea of Christendom, although certainly, I am going a bit into decline, nevertheless, I hope to see it. You perhaps will be able to see some more, not only the restoration of Christendom, but the declining of Christendom and then yes, when Christendom declines a second time, it will disappear in its entirety, and then the Katechon, the obstacle that prevents the AntiChrist from coming will not be present, and this absence will make the AntiChrist come and manifest himself. How will it disappear from the world, Saint Paul says it here: "Then the iniquitous will manifest himself whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of His mouth, destroying him with the manifestation of His coming.
The real fact, and this is what I wanted to highlight above all, is that history is definitely not dominated by the economic or the politic, history is definitively dominated by theology, by God's plan, the plan God had much earlier than history and of creation itself when he chose the predestined. History is dominated by the saints. Saint Paul has a word that says: "For those that love God, everything cooperates in their favor; this means that those who dominate history are the saints and only the saints.
All other courses of biological life, even of philosophical life, of cultural life, all of this is for the purpose of making it possible for saints to appear in the world. There are few saints. Saints are like the cream of the world. Just as milk can be much but always yields a small portion of cream, the World may be very large, very extended, but it will always produce a small portion of sanctity, which directs and manages the world. All else exists to make saints possible. This is what Saint Augustine says, if there were no persecutors there would be no martyrs, if there were no corrupters there would be no saints. Criminals, corrupters, have that function in the world, making sainthood possible. So, definitely, everything exists for the sake of sanctity, for God's plan to be fulfilled. For those who love God, Everything else concurs to bring this about, the moving towards God of those who love Him.
At the end of the conference, Father Meinvielle answered a number of questions, of which the following are the most outstanding - for example those relating to national politics - as the rest can be clarified reading the transcript
Q: Father, how does the Vatican enter in the plans of the Synarchy?
Fr.Meinvielle: The Vatican has surrendered to the Synarchy. What can we can do about it? The Church up to Pius XII performs and fulfills an international politics. The politics of Christendom is above all human forces and does not adhere to any of the human forces. In contrast, the current Papacy has adhered to the UN, has given its blessing to the UN, which is a typically satanic force-
Q: Father, what I am unable to grasp, while I can clearly see the work of the Synarchy, is: how does the formation of this new force you call the American Right fit together with this mystery of iniquity?
Fr. M: I believe the American Right will be leaning towards Nazism. It is a process. A process can be observed at the end of the process but not when it begins or is functioning. Towards what does the American Right tend to go? Towards a Nazism. What is what properly characterizes a Nazism? It is paganism. Strictly speaking, there are three peoples according to Sacred Scripture: Pagans, Jews, and then Christians [...] And what does characterize paganism? In giving value to the pagan forces themselves, in giving value to more or less normal human nature. Paganism cultivates values, for instance: the values nation or race, the value of politics, the value of the human forces. But it ignores everything that's Christian, anything above the law of reason. This is paganism. The Romans were pagans but we must distinguish. The Romans were pagans but they were a people that in God´s designs came as a preparation for the Christians; the same with the Greeks. The Christian world is edified on Greeks, Romans and Barbarians. Christian Theology is fundamentally Greek in using its science. From the Roman takes the practical order, and the Barbarians contributed with the mass of peoples that incorporated into the Greco-Roman culture under the influence of the Church. But the peoples that break away from the Christian Culture fall into an ever more beastly condition.
Q: Father, to what does the Argentine respond? Does the Argentine rule?
Fr. M: The government currently responds to the Synarchy. The current government; Lanusse-
Q: And what about Onganía?
Fr. M: Also Onganía, he was with Krieger Vasena. He responded to the Synarchy.
Q: Perón too, Father, is it not?
Fr. M: No, Perón responds to the Pentagon, and this is why he is on the China line, and speaks against the Synarchy.
Q: But days ago, Perón wrote an article in 'La Opinión' where he spoke favorably of Zionism
Fr. M: By Perón? Well, Perón is a weathercock. Moreover, Zionism is with the Pentagon. By what Perón does, it is very difficult to know what Perón thinks. You will neve know. What happens with Perón is what happens with the Military. The Military live their life lying.
Q: Father, in the outline you have given us there are three forces: on the one hand the Synarchy, on the other hand Zionism mounted on the American Right and the third is Christianity. If all three forces have their political representation in the world, who or through whom is the Christian present?
Fr. M: The saints. The Church of silence.
Q: The saints, Father? What political possibilities do they have?
Fr. M: Oh, immense. They are the movers of history. How do we know they are the movers of history? We know it from Holy Scripture. Saint Paul already says it: For those who love God everything cooperates in their favor.
Q: Father, what is under the dominion of the saints? Certainly not the nations.
Fr. M: Currently not the nations. In the Middle ages the politicians were saints, but these days to be a politician is to be a crook, and the crooker a politician is, the more of a politician he is. Frondizi is more a politician than Illia and Perón more of a politician than Frondizi.
Q: Why, Father, according to your outline. are there efforts to create a Jewish state in Argentina?
Fr. M: Well, that, they may know. The fact is that, on February 3, the OAS voted for the incorporation of Israel as a permanent observer in the OAS, and it was a unanimous vote.
Q: Could it be, Father, for the sake of the Andinia Pact?
Fr. M: For the Andinia Pact, of course [...]
Q: Father, why do you not make two or three reflections on the Andinia Pact, that impacts us so closely?
Fr. M: It is necessary first to know what the Andinia pact is about. It is a Jewish plan to section a part of our country to constitute it in a Jewish republic. Where does it come from? From the last century. Two prominent Jews, a certain Pinsker was the first one. He said that Argentina was the ideal territory for the Jews, and afterwards Theodor Herzl in the State of Israel says that there are two territories that are privileged for that purpose. For historical reasons, one is Israel and for reasons of climate, natural riches, etc. the other one is Argentina. From then on, the Jews have undertaken a penetration action in Argentina that began in the last century with the Hirsch colonies, with thew Bunge and Born House which is an important factor for Jewish penetration and that has been going on. At this moment, everything points to the fulfillment of the Andinia Plan to make a Jewish homeland in Argentina, a Jewish republic. Whether they will accomplish it or not is to be seen. The Jewish power in Argentina has never been so great; it is a total power. However, to be able to dominate Argentina, the Jews have to do what Hegel calls a qualitative leap; that is, to carry out an operation of open mightiness, and they have not the courage to do it.
Q: Father, we would like to hear from you a reflection directed to this group, Patria Grande, and for the representatives of sympathetic groups that accompany us today, all of us concerned about politics.
Fr. M: I believe that the final reflection I have already expressed. The final reflection is that the supreme goal in life is sanctity. Of course, there is a wrong concept of saint and sanctity as though it were something impossible to attain, when it is nothing more than accommodating our life to God's will. God's will is the good, so that the tendency to restore the homeland, restore the family, restore the country's economy, and restore above all the life of the Argentinians is to keep on the way to sanctity ... Why is the world going astray today? Because of the efforts to establish a paradise here on earth when the commonweal here on earth cannot be attained but as a result of us aspiring to reach man's ultimate end. Thus, the ultimate end also solves the particular well.being, Therefore, talking of sanctity is not talking about something utopic; it is talking of a reality that is the most real in life, because it is the only solution to the habitability of man on earth. Man´s life becomes a hell on earth although not immediately, but gradually. If you don't think so, look at the family, its decay; from a goal of sanctity it passes on to a purely natural goal and keeps on declining, and the family is now engaged in ensuring that the children live biologically well. But what is that family´s child? It is that Robledo Puch youngster, There is a logic here, it ends in the total delinquency in life. But, why does it end so? Because the ultimate end has been abandoned first.
Q: Father, could you say that the maximal commonweal is God?
Fr. M: Of course, but that is sanctity, it is the most actual there is.